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HKLCTV.NET interviewed our chairlady Jane about the ABC (Animals Birth Control) n Animals Rescue
3)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (73)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題. 一個明智的人避免它. 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人. 伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學數學邏輯學家諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死 希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States):1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends. Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel. John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight. Dr Xu Waldorf UK: To avoid human bloodhsed we must start from the table Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people. 2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of US foreign policy towards third world
4)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (72)
5)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (71)
6)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (70)
7)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (69)
8)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (68)
9)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (67)
10)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (66)
11)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (65)
Julian Assange
12)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (64)
13)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (63)
14)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (62)
15)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (61)
16)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (60)
17)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (59)
18)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (58)
19)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (57)
20)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (56)
21)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (55)
22)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (54)
23)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (53)
24)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (52)
25)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (51)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題. 一個明智的人避免它. 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人. 伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學數學邏輯學家諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死 希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends. Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel. John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight. Dr Xu Waldorf UK: To avoid human bloodhsed we must start from the table Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people. 2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of US foreign policy towards third world
26)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (50)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題. 一個明智的人避免它. 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人. 伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學數學邏輯學家諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死 希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends. Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel. John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight. Dr Xu Waldorf UK: To avoid human bloodhsed we must start from the table Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people. 2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of US foreign policy towards third world
27)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (49)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign poli
28)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (48)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
29)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (47)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
30)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (46)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
31)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (45)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
32)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (44)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
33)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (43)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
34)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (42)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
35)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (41)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
36)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (40)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds save
37)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (39)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth,Demeat,Deconsumption&
38)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (38)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth,Demeat,Deconsumption
39)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (37)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth,Demeat,Deconsumption
40)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (36)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth,Demeat,Deconsumption
41)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (WW3 = Doomsday) (35)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
42)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (WW3 = Doomsday) (34)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
43)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (33)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth,Demeat,Deconsumption&
44)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (32)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth,Demeat,Deconsumption
45)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (31)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth,Demeat,Deconsumption
46)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (30)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth,Demeat,Deconsumption
47)肉魚蛋奶=飲苦食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物+疫苗=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,人類天生是素食者,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,少慾知足,知足常樂,極簡主義,斷捨離,少消費=少污染,基因改造食物+疫苗=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,崇尚自然簡璞,返璞歸真,Man are born to be Vegan,Govegan=Mercy+Healthy+SaveLives+Earth,Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMOFood+Vaccine=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Less Consumption=Less Pollution,Simple is the Best,Follow the nature instead of $$$ (111)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身(己所不欲勿施於人)
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源,斷慈悲心)
孟子.梁惠王上: 君子之於禽獸也,見其生,不忍見其死,聞其聲,不忍食其肉.是以君子遠庖廚也.
孟子.告子上 : 恻隐之心,人皆有之. 論語 : 上天有好生之德,大地有载物之厚,君子有成人之美.宋 蘇軾(戒貪饕) : 口腹貪饕豈有窮, 咽喉一過總成空, 何如惜福留餘地, 養得清虛樂在中.
黃帝內經:聖人不治已病,治未病,不治已亂,治未亂. 英國博士華爾緒說:要避免人類流血,必須從餐桌上做起.
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥. (病從口入)
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地:疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底 (自癈天生抵抗能力)
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling,destroy immune sys
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Dead body Toxic,Steroid,antibiotics, chemical agents, pesticides, Dioxin, nitrite,triclosan,DDT and other insecticides, hormones, tranquilizers,sleeping pills,anti-depressant drugs,Melamine,plasticizers,Etc....
Meat,Fish,Egg,Milk=Sickness,Die Early,Suicide,Murder,Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Osteoporosis, Fractures, Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Gallstone , Kidney stones, allergies, eczema, obesity, precocious puberty,sleeping pills, central neurotoxicity, hemorrhoids, asthma, lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, cataract, Alzheimer's disease,Etc...Violation of Nature will be punished.
Mencius : 1) Why Noble Man is different from Animals if he sees them alive, he cannot stand to watch them die. If he hears their screams, he cannot stand to eat their meat. Therefore he stays away from the kitchen. this is an act of humaneness. 2) Everybody has good virtue and mercy.
The Analects : God has the good virtues of mercy,kindness,compassion and sympathy. Earth allows all lives to live in harmony , Noble man is always ready to help the others attain their aims.
Su Shi (Song Dynasty),Restrain Greed : Will gluttony ever be satisfied?Once food passes the throat, its gone.Imagine instead, if we cherish blessings for the future?Resting pure and tranquil: Ah! The happiness!Huangdi Neijing : Sage prevents from being sick rather than sick,prevent chaos rather than handling chaos.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. (you are what you eat)
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Bernard Shaw (Nobel Prize for Literature (1925): Not that I look young, my looks are similar to my age, but others seem to be older than their actual age because they eat corps.What do you expect them?
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles):if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger:1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people 2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra 絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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48)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (29)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth,Demeat,Deconsumption
49)環保新聞 : 破壞大自然=摧毀家園,自杀謀杀,肉魚蛋奶=飲苦食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物+疫苗=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,人類天生是素食者,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,少慾知足,知足常樂,看破放下,極簡主義,斷捨離,少消費=少汚染,崇尚自然簡樸,Man are born to be Vegan,Govegan=Mercy+Healthy+SaveLives+Earth,Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMOFood+Vaccine=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Less Consumption=Less Pollution,Simple is the Best,Follow the Nature instead of $$(26)
因: 精神汚染(貪心,慎恨,愚癡,傲慢) 果: 環境汚染(空氣,水,土壤,食物) 一切從道德教育開始,源頭減廢,少欲知足,知足常樂,極簡主義,斷捨離,向物質主義不,精神文明=人類存亡
地球之母本來能供給眾生清新空氣, 清潔食水, 天然食物, 但現在人類郤違反自然, 利用科技破壞大自然, 這是否自尋短見?
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
違反天理必遭天譴.印度聖雄甘地:疫曲接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身(己所不欲勿施於人)
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源,斷慈悲心)
習主席: 綠水青山就是金山銀山,像保護眼睛一樣保護生態環境,像對待生命一樣對待生態環境,我們不能吃袓宗飯,斷子孫路,用破壞性方式搞發展,我們應該遵循天人合一,道法自然的理念,尋求永續發展之路.
印度聖雄甘地: 地球之母有充足資源養育眾生, 但卻不能滿足眾生無窮無盡的貪欲
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 科技的發展已超出人道範疇, 這是令人震驚和擔心的。
2) 深入地了解大自然, 你就會對宇宙眾生更加了解。
3) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器, 但好肯定第四次世界大戰可用的武器只剰有石頭和柴枝。
4) 人類是宇宙的一部分,這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己,他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來,是一種他的意識的光學妄想。 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄,把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中,並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄,以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
6) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
著名牛頓爵士(英國數學家、科學家和哲學家,發現自然哲學的數學原理,萬有引力定律等) : 大自然是十分簡單但絕不愚蠢
亞里斯多德(古希臘哲學家,柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大大帝的老師) : 所有的地震和災害都是警告; 世界上有太多的腐敗希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
六祖慧能大師 : 何期自性本自清淨, 何期自性本不生滅, 何期自性本自具足, 何期自性本無動搖, 何期自性能生萬法。
News on Environmental Protection
Destroy the Nature=Ruin your homeland
Causes: Spiritual Pollution(Greed,Hatred,Illusion,Arrogance)
Effect: Environmental Pollution (Water,Air,land,Food) Moral Education is Essential !!
Our mother earth can supply clean air, clean water, clean natural food to all lives originally, now all of them were destroyed by us ! Are we committing to suicide ?
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Dead body Toxic, antibiotics, chemical agents, pesticides, DDT and other insecticides, hormones, tranquilizers and anti-depressant drugs, plasticizers,Etc....
Meat,Fish,Egg,Milk=Sickness,Die Early, Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Osteoporosis, Fractures, Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Gallstone , Kidney stones, allergies, eczema, obesity, precocious puberty, central neurotoxicity, hemorrhoids, asthma, lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, cataract, Alzheimer's disease,Etc...Violation of Nature will be punished.
President Xi: Greenery Mountains n Water are Gold n Silver,To protect the ecological environment is like the protection of our eyes and treating all lives. We should not finish our ancester's rice and heritage, and left nothing for our children and grandchildren by the adoption of a destructive development. We should discover a subtainable development for our future by following the harmony principle amongst man,the the nature and all lives.
Mahatma Gandhi :The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed.Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) It Has Become Appallingly Obvious That Our Technology Has Exceeded Our Humanity2) Look Deep Into Nature, and Then You Will Understand Everything Better.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
3) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones
4) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
6) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Isaac Newton( an influential English mathematician, astronomer, physicist, "natural philosopher") : Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy.
Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) : All Earthquakes and Disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the worldHeather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Huineng : We don't need to seek or pursue everything which has already existed with us.
行十善 :乃身口意三業中所行之十種善行為:1,不殺生(包括不吃肉乃戰爭主因) 2,不偷盜 3,不邪淫 4,不妄語 5,不綺語 6,不惡口 7,不兩舌 8,不貪慾 9,不嗔恚 10,不愚痴, 善業 : 利益眾生, 惡業 : 利益自己, 一家飽暖, 萬家怨,不患貧,患不均,天作孽,猶可違,自作孽,不可活.
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
50)環保新聞 : 破壞大自然=摧毀家園,肉魚蛋奶=飲苦食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物+疫苗=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,人類天生是素食者,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,少慾知足,知足常樂,看破放下,極簡主義,斷捨離,少消費=少汚染,崇尚自然簡樸,Man are born to be Vegan,Govegan=Mercy+Healthy+SaveLives+Earth,Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMOFood+Vaccine=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Less Consumption=Less Pollution,Simple is the Best,Follow the Nature instead of $$(25)
因: 精神汚染(貪心,慎恨,愚癡,傲慢) 果: 環境汚染(空氣,水,土壤,食物) 一切從道德教育開始,源頭減廢,少欲知足,知足常樂,極簡主義,斷捨離,向物質主義不,精神文明=人類存亡
地球之母本來能供給眾生清新空氣, 清潔食水, 天然食物, 但現在人類郤違反自然, 利用科技破壞大自然, 這是否自尋短見?
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
違反天理必遭天譴.印度聖雄甘地:疫曲接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身(己所不欲勿施於人)
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源,斷慈悲心)
習主席: 綠水青山就是金山銀山,像保護眼睛一樣保護生態環境,像對待生命一樣對待生態環境,我們不能吃袓宗飯,斷子孫路,用破壞性方式搞發展,我們應該遵循天人合一,道法自然的理念,尋求永續發展之路.
印度聖雄甘地: 地球之母有充足資源養育眾生, 但卻不能滿足眾生無窮無盡的貪欲
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 科技的發展已超出人道範疇, 這是令人震驚和擔心的。
2) 深入地了解大自然, 你就會對宇宙眾生更加了解。
3) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器, 但好肯定第四次世界大戰可用的武器只剰有石頭和柴枝。
4) 人類是宇宙的一部分,這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己,他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來,是一種他的意識的光學妄想。 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄,把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中,並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄,以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
6) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
著名牛頓爵士(英國數學家、科學家和哲學家,發現自然哲學的數學原理,萬有引力定律等) : 大自然是十分簡單但絕不愚蠢
亞里斯多德(古希臘哲學家,柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大大帝的老師) : 所有的地震和災害都是警告; 世界上有太多的腐敗希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
六祖慧能大師 : 何期自性本自清淨, 何期自性本不生滅, 何期自性本自具足, 何期自性本無動搖, 何期自性能生萬法。
News on Environmental Protection
Destroy the Nature=Ruin your homeland
Causes: Spiritual Pollution(Greed,Hatred,Illusion,Arrogance)
Effect: Environmental Pollution (Water,Air,land,Food) Moral Education is Essential !!
Our mother earth can supply clean air, clean water, clean natural food to all lives originally, now all of them were destroyed by us ! Are we committing to suicide ?
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Dead body Toxic, antibiotics, chemical agents, pesticides, DDT and other insecticides, hormones, tranquilizers and anti-depressant drugs, plasticizers,Etc....
Meat,Fish,Egg,Milk=Sickness,Die Early, Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Osteoporosis, Fractures, Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Gallstone , Kidney stones, allergies, eczema, obesity, precocious puberty, central neurotoxicity, hemorrhoids, asthma, lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, cataract, Alzheimer's disease,Etc...Violation of Nature will be punished.
President Xi: Greenery Mountains n Water are Gold n Silver,To protect the ecological environment is like the protection of our eyes and treating all lives. We should not finish our ancester's rice and heritage, and left nothing for our children and grandchildren by the adoption of a destructive development. We should discover a subtainable development for our future by following the harmony principle amongst man,the the nature and all lives.
Mahatma Gandhi :The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed.Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) It Has Become Appallingly Obvious That Our Technology Has Exceeded Our Humanity2) Look Deep Into Nature, and Then You Will Understand Everything Better.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
3) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones
4) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
6) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Isaac Newton( an influential English mathematician, astronomer, physicist, "natural philosopher") : Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy.
Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) : All Earthquakes and Disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the worldHeather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Huineng : We don't need to seek or pursue everything which has already existed with us.
行十善 :乃身口意三業中所行之十種善行為:1,不殺生(包括不吃肉乃戰爭主因) 2,不偷盜 3,不邪淫 4,不妄語 5,不綺語 6,不惡口 7,不兩舌 8,不貪慾 9,不嗔恚 10,不愚痴, 善業 : 利益眾生, 惡業 : 利益自己, 一家飽暖, 萬家怨,不患貧,患不均,天作孽,猶可違,自作孽,不可活.
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
51)環保新聞 : 破壞大自然=摧毀家園,肉魚蛋奶=飲苦食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物+疫苗=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,人類天生是素食者,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,少慾知足,知足常樂,看破放下,極簡主義,斷捨離,少消費=少汚染,崇尚自然簡樸,Man are born to be Vegan,Govegan=Mercy+Healthy+SaveLives+Earth,Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMOFood+Vaccine=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Less Consumption=Less Pollution,Simple is the Best,Follow the Nature instead of $$(24)
因: 精神汚染(貪心,慎恨,愚癡,傲慢) 果: 環境汚染(空氣,水,土壤,食物) 一切從道德教育開始,源頭減廢,少欲知足,知足常樂,極簡主義,斷捨離,向物質主義不,精神文明=人類存亡
地球之母本來能供給眾生清新空氣, 清潔食水, 天然食物, 但現在人類郤違反自然, 利用科技破壞大自然, 這是否自尋短見?
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
違反天理必遭天譴.印度聖雄甘地:疫曲接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身(己所不欲勿施於人)
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源,斷慈悲心)
習主席: 綠水青山就是金山銀山,像保護眼睛一樣保護生態環境,像對待生命一樣對待生態環境,我們不能吃袓宗飯,斷子孫路,用破壞性方式搞發展,我們應該遵循天人合一,道法自然的理念,尋求永續發展之路.
印度聖雄甘地: 地球之母有充足資源養育眾生, 但卻不能滿足眾生無窮無盡的貪欲
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 科技的發展已超出人道範疇, 這是令人震驚和擔心的。
2) 深入地了解大自然, 你就會對宇宙眾生更加了解。
3) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器, 但好肯定第四次世界大戰可用的武器只剰有石頭和柴枝。
4) 人類是宇宙的一部分,這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己,他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來,是一種他的意識的光學妄想。 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄,把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中,並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄,以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
6) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
著名牛頓爵士(英國數學家、科學家和哲學家,發現自然哲學的數學原理,萬有引力定律等) : 大自然是十分簡單但絕不愚蠢
亞里斯多德(古希臘哲學家,柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大大帝的老師) : 所有的地震和災害都是警告; 世界上有太多的腐敗希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
六祖慧能大師 : 何期自性本自清淨, 何期自性本不生滅, 何期自性本自具足, 何期自性本無動搖, 何期自性能生萬法。
News on Environmental Protection
Destroy the Nature=Ruin your homeland
Causes: Spiritual Pollution(Greed,Hatred,Illusion,Arrogance)
Effect: Environmental Pollution (Water,Air,land,Food) Moral Education is Essential !!
Our mother earth can supply clean air, clean water, clean natural food to all lives originally, now all of them were destroyed by us ! Are we committing to suicide ?
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Dead body Toxic, antibiotics, chemical agents, pesticides, DDT and other insecticides, hormones, tranquilizers and anti-depressant drugs, plasticizers,Etc....
Meat,Fish,Egg,Milk=Sickness,Die Early, Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Osteoporosis, Fractures, Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Gallstone , Kidney stones, allergies, eczema, obesity, precocious puberty, central neurotoxicity, hemorrhoids, asthma, lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, cataract, Alzheimer's disease,Etc...Violation of Nature will be punished.
President Xi: Greenery Mountains n Water are Gold n Silver,To protect the ecological environment is like the protection of our eyes and treating all lives. We should not finish our ancester's rice and heritage, and left nothing for our children and grandchildren by the adoption of a destructive development. We should discover a subtainable development for our future by following the harmony principle amongst man,the the nature and all lives.
Mahatma Gandhi :The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed.Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) It Has Become Appallingly Obvious That Our Technology Has Exceeded Our Humanity2) Look Deep Into Nature, and Then You Will Understand Everything Better.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
3) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones
4) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
6) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Isaac Newton( an influential English mathematician, astronomer, physicist, "natural philosopher") : Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy.
Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) : All Earthquakes and Disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the worldHeather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Huineng : We don't need to seek or pursue everything which has already existed with us.
行十善 :乃身口意三業中所行之十種善行為:1,不殺生(包括不吃肉乃戰爭主因) 2,不偷盜 3,不邪淫 4,不妄語 5,不綺語 6,不惡口 7,不兩舌 8,不貪慾 9,不嗔恚 10,不愚痴, 善業 : 利益眾生, 惡業 : 利益自己, 一家飽暖, 萬家怨,不患貧,患不均,天作孽,猶可違,自作孽,不可活.
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
52)環保新聞 : 破壞大自然=摧毀家園,肉魚蛋奶=飲苦食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物+疫苗=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,人類天生是素食者,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,少慾知足,知足常樂,看破放下,極簡主義,斷捨離,少消費=少汚染,崇尚自然簡樸,Man are born to be Vegan,Govegan=Mercy+Healthy+SaveLives+Earth,Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMOFood+Vaccine=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Less Consumption=Less Pollution,Simple n Natural r the Best(23)
因: 精神汚染(貪心,慎恨,愚癡,傲慢) 果: 環境汚染(空氣,水,土壤,食物) 一切從道德教育開始,源頭減廢,少欲知足,知足常樂,極簡主義,斷捨離,向物質主義不,精神文明=人類存亡
地球之母本來能供給眾生清新空氣, 清潔食水, 天然食物, 但現在人類郤違反自然, 利用科技破壞大自然, 這是否自尋短見?
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
違反天理必遭天譴.印度聖雄甘地:疫曲接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身(己所不欲勿施於人)
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源,斷慈悲心)
習主席: 綠水青山就是金山銀山,像保護眼睛一樣保護生態環境,像對待生命一樣對待生態環境,我們不能吃袓宗飯,斷子孫路,用破壞性方式搞發展,我們應該遵循天人合一,道法自然的理念,尋求永續發展之路.
印度聖雄甘地: 地球之母有充足資源養育眾生, 但卻不能滿足眾生無窮無盡的貪欲
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 科技的發展已超出人道範疇, 這是令人震驚和擔心的。
2) 深入地了解大自然, 你就會對宇宙眾生更加了解。
3) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器, 但好肯定第四次世界大戰可用的武器只剰有石頭和柴枝。
4) 人類是宇宙的一部分,這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己,他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來,是一種他的意識的光學妄想。 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄,把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中,並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄,以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
6) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
著名牛頓爵士(英國數學家、科學家和哲學家,發現自然哲學的數學原理,萬有引力定律等) : 大自然是十分簡單但絕不愚蠢
亞里斯多德(古希臘哲學家,柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大大帝的老師) : 所有的地震和災害都是警告; 世界上有太多的腐敗希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
六祖慧能大師 : 何期自性本自清淨, 何期自性本不生滅, 何期自性本自具足, 何期自性本無動搖, 何期自性能生萬法。
News on Environmental Protection
Destroy the Nature=Ruin your homeland
Causes: Spiritual Pollution(Greed,Hatred,Illusion,Arrogance)
Effect: Environmental Pollution (Water,Air,land,Food) Moral Education is Essential !!
Our mother earth can supply clean air, clean water, clean natural food to all lives originally, now all of them were destroyed by us ! Are we committing to suicide ?
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Dead body Toxic, antibiotics, chemical agents, pesticides, DDT and other insecticides, hormones, tranquilizers and anti-depressant drugs, plasticizers,Etc....
Meat,Fish,Egg,Milk=Sickness,Die Early, Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Osteoporosis, Fractures, Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Gallstone , Kidney stones, allergies, eczema, obesity, precocious puberty, central neurotoxicity, hemorrhoids, asthma, lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, cataract, Alzheimer's disease,Etc...Violation of Nature will be punished.
President Xi: Greenery Mountains n Water are Gold n Silver,To protect the ecological environment is like the protection of our eyes and treating all lives. We should not finish our ancester's rice and heritage, and left nothing for our children and grandchildren by the adoption of a destructive development. We should discover a subtainable development for our future by following the harmony principle amongst man,the the nature and all lives.
Mahatma Gandhi :The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed.Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) It Has Become Appallingly Obvious That Our Technology Has Exceeded Our Humanity2) Look Deep Into Nature, and Then You Will Understand Everything Better.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
3) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones
4) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
6) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Isaac Newton( an influential English mathematician, astronomer, physicist, "natural philosopher") : Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy.
Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) : All Earthquakes and Disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the worldHeather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Huineng : We don't need to seek or pursue everything which has already existed with us.
行十善 :乃身口意三業中所行之十種善行為:1,不殺生(包括不吃肉乃戰爭主因) 2,不偷盜 3,不邪淫 4,不妄語 5,不綺語 6,不惡口 7,不兩舌 8,不貪慾 9,不嗔恚 10,不愚痴, 善業 : 利益眾生, 惡業 : 利益自己, 一家飽暖, 萬家怨,不患貧,患不均,天作孽,猶可違,自作孽,不可活.
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
53)環保新聞 : 破壞大自然=摧毀家園,肉魚蛋奶=飲苦食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物+疫苗=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,人類天生是素食者,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,少慾知足,知足常樂,看破放下,極簡主義,斷捨離,少消費=少汚染, Man are born to be Vegan,Govegan=Mercy+Healthy+SaveLives+Earth,Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMOFood+Vaccine=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Less Consumption=Less Pollution,Simple is the Best(22)
因: 精神汚染(貪心,慎恨,愚癡,傲慢) 果: 環境汚染(空氣,水,土壤,食物) 一切從道德教育開始,源頭減廢,少欲知足,知足常樂,極簡主義,斷捨離,向物質主義不,精神文明=人類存亡
地球之母本來能供給眾生清新空氣, 清潔食水, 天然食物, 但現在人類郤違反自然, 利用科技破壞大自然, 這是否自尋短見?
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
違反天理必遭天譴.印度聖雄甘地:疫曲接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身(己所不欲勿施於人)
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源,斷慈悲心)
習主席: 綠水青山就是金山銀山,像保護眼睛一樣保護生態環境,像對待生命一樣對待生態環境,我們不能吃袓宗飯,斷子孫路,用破壞性方式搞發展,我們應該遵循天人合一,道法自然的理念,尋求永續發展之路.
印度聖雄甘地: 地球之母有充足資源養育眾生, 但卻不能滿足眾生無窮無盡的貪欲
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 科技的發展已超出人道範疇, 這是令人震驚和擔心的。
2) 深入地了解大自然, 你就會對宇宙眾生更加了解。
3) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器, 但好肯定第四次世界大戰可用的武器只剰有石頭和柴枝。
4) 人類是宇宙的一部分,這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己,他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來,是一種他的意識的光學妄想。 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄,把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中,並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄,以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
6) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
著名牛頓爵士(英國數學家、科學家和哲學家,發現自然哲學的數學原理,萬有引力定律等) : 大自然是十分簡單但絕不愚蠢
亞里斯多德(古希臘哲學家,柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大大帝的老師) : 所有的地震和災害都是警告; 世界上有太多的腐敗希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
六祖慧能大師 : 何期自性本自清淨, 何期自性本不生滅, 何期自性本自具足, 何期自性本無動搖, 何期自性能生萬法。
News on Environmental Protection
Destroy the Nature=Ruin your homeland
Causes: Spiritual Pollution(Greed,Hatred,Illusion,Arrogance)
Effect: Environmental Pollution (Water,Air,land,Food) Moral Education is Essential !!
Our mother earth can supply clean air, clean water, clean natural food to all lives originally, now all of them were destroyed by us ! Are we committing to suicide ?
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Dead body Toxic, antibiotics, chemical agents, pesticides, DDT and other insecticides, hormones, tranquilizers and anti-depressant drugs, plasticizers,Etc....
Meat,Fish,Egg,Milk=Sickness,Die Early, Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Osteoporosis, Fractures, Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Gallstone , Kidney stones, allergies, eczema, obesity, precocious puberty, central neurotoxicity, hemorrhoids, asthma, lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, cataract, Alzheimer's disease,Etc...Violation of Nature will be punished.
President Xi: Greenery Mountains n Water are Gold n Silver,To protect the ecological environment is like the protection of our eyes and treating all lives. We should not finish our ancester's rice and heritage, and left nothing for our children and grandchildren by the adoption of a destructive development. We should discover a subtainable development for our future by following the harmony principle amongst man,the the nature and all lives.
Mahatma Gandhi :The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed.Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) It Has Become Appallingly Obvious That Our Technology Has Exceeded Our Humanity2) Look Deep Into Nature, and Then You Will Understand Everything Better.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
3) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones
4) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
6) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Isaac Newton( an influential English mathematician, astronomer, physicist, "natural philosopher") : Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy.
Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) : All Earthquakes and Disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the worldHeather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Huineng : We don't need to seek or pursue everything which has already existed with us.
行十善 :乃身口意三業中所行之十種善行為:1,不殺生(包括不吃肉乃戰爭主因) 2,不偷盜 3,不邪淫 4,不妄語 5,不綺語 6,不惡口 7,不兩舌 8,不貪慾 9,不嗔恚 10,不愚痴, 善業 : 利益眾生, 惡業 : 利益自己, 一家飽暖, 萬家怨,不患貧,患不均,天作孽,猶可違,自作孽,不可活.
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
54)環保新聞 : 破壞大自然=摧毀家園,肉魚蛋奶=飲苦食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物+疫苗=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,人類天生是素食者,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,少慾知足,知足常樂,極簡主義,斷捨離,少消費=少污染, Man are born to be Vegan,Govegan=Mercy+Healthy+SaveLives+Earth,Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMOFood+Vaccine=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Less Consumption=Less Pollution,Simple is the Best(21)
因: 精神汚染(貪心,慎恨,愚癡,傲慢) 果: 環境汚染(空氣,水,土壤,食物) 一切從道德教育開始,源頭減廢,少欲知足,知足常樂,極簡主義,斷捨離,向物質主義不,精神文明=人類存亡
地球之母本來能供給眾生清新空氣, 清潔食水, 天然食物, 但現在人類郤違反自然, 利用科技破壞大自然, 這是否自尋短見?
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
違反天理必遭天譴.印度聖雄甘地:疫曲接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身(己所不欲勿施於人)
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源,斷慈悲心)
習主席: 綠水青山就是金山銀山,像保護眼睛一樣保護生態環境,像對待生命一樣對待生態環境,我們不能吃袓宗飯,斷子孫路,用破壞性方式搞發展,我們應該遵循天人合一,道法自然的理念,尋求永續發展之路.
印度聖雄甘地: 地球之母有充足資源養育眾生, 但卻不能滿足眾生無窮無盡的貪欲
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 科技的發展已超出人道範疇, 這是令人震驚和擔心的。
2) 深入地了解大自然, 你就會對宇宙眾生更加了解。
3) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器, 但好肯定第四次世界大戰可用的武器只剰有石頭和柴枝。
4) 人類是宇宙的一部分,這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己,他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來,是一種他的意識的光學妄想。 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄,把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中,並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄,以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
6) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
著名牛頓爵士(英國數學家、科學家和哲學家,發現自然哲學的數學原理,萬有引力定律等) : 大自然是十分簡單但絕不愚蠢
亞里斯多德(古希臘哲學家,柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大大帝的老師) : 所有的地震和災害都是警告; 世界上有太多的腐敗希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
六祖慧能大師 : 何期自性本自清淨, 何期自性本不生滅, 何期自性本自具足, 何期自性本無動搖, 何期自性能生萬法。
News on Environmental Protection
Destroy the Nature=Ruin your homeland
Causes: Spiritual Pollution(Greed,Hatred,Illusion,Arrogance)
Effect: Environmental Pollution (Water,Air,land,Food) Moral Education is Essential !!
Our mother earth can supply clean air, clean water, clean natural food to all lives originally, now all of them were destroyed by us ! Are we committing to suicide ?
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Dead body Toxic, antibiotics, chemical agents, pesticides, DDT and other insecticides, hormones, tranquilizers and anti-depressant drugs, plasticizers,Etc....
Meat,Fish,Egg,Milk=Sickness,Die Early, Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Osteoporosis, Fractures, Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Gallstone , Kidney stones, allergies, eczema, obesity, precocious puberty, central neurotoxicity, hemorrhoids, asthma, lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, cataract, Alzheimer's disease,Etc...Violation of Nature will be punished.
President Xi: Greenery Mountains n Water are Gold n Silver,To protect the ecological environment is like the protection of our eyes and treating all lives. We should not finish our ancester's rice and heritage, and left nothing for our children and grandchildren by the adoption of a destructive development. We should discover a subtainable development for our future by following the harmony principle amongst man,the the nature and all lives.
Mahatma Gandhi :The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed.Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) It Has Become Appallingly Obvious That Our Technology Has Exceeded Our Humanity2) Look Deep Into Nature, and Then You Will Understand Everything Better.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
3) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones
4) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
6) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Isaac Newton( an influential English mathematician, astronomer, physicist, "natural philosopher") : Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy.
Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) : All Earthquakes and Disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the worldHeather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Huineng : We don't need to seek or pursue everything which has already existed with us.
行十善 :乃身口意三業中所行之十種善行為:1,不殺生(包括不吃肉乃戰爭主因) 2,不偷盜 3,不邪淫 4,不妄語 5,不綺語 6,不惡口 7,不兩舌 8,不貪慾 9,不嗔恚 10,不愚痴, 善業 : 利益眾生, 惡業 : 利益自己, 一家飽暖, 萬家怨,不患貧,患不均,天作孽,猶可違,自作孽,不可活.
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
55)環保新聞 : 破壞大自然=摧毀家園,肉魚蛋奶=飲苦食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物+疫苗=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,人類天生是素食者,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,少慾知足,知足常樂,極簡主義,斷捨離,少消費=少污染,基因改造食物+疫苗=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫, Man are born to be Vegan,Govegan=Mercy+Healthy+SaveLives+Earth,Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMOFood+Vaccine=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Less Consumption=Less Pollution,Simple is the Best(20)
因: 精神汚染(貪心,慎恨,愚癡,傲慢) 果: 環境汚染(空氣,水,土壤,食物) 一切從道德教育開始,源頭減廢,少欲知足,知足常樂,極簡主義,斷捨離,向物質主義不,精神文明=人類存亡
地球之母本來能供給眾生清新空氣, 清潔食水, 天然食物, 但現在人類郤違反自然, 利用科技破壞大自然, 這是否自尋短見?
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
違反天理必遭天譴.印度聖雄甘地:疫曲接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身(己所不欲勿施於人)
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源,斷慈悲心)
習主席: 綠水青山就是金山銀山,像保護眼睛一樣保護生態環境,像對待生命一樣對待生態環境,我們不能吃袓宗飯,斷子孫路,用破壞性方式搞發展,我們應該遵循天人合一,道法自然的理念,尋求永續發展之路.
印度聖雄甘地: 地球之母有充足資源養育眾生, 但卻不能滿足眾生無窮無盡的貪欲
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 科技的發展已超出人道範疇, 這是令人震驚和擔心的。
2) 深入地了解大自然, 你就會對宇宙眾生更加了解。
3) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器, 但好肯定第四次世界大戰可用的武器只剰有石頭和柴枝。
4) 人類是宇宙的一部分,這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己,他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來,是一種他的意識的光學妄想。 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄,把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中,並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄,以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
6) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
著名牛頓爵士(英國數學家、科學家和哲學家,發現自然哲學的數學原理,萬有引力定律等) : 大自然是十分簡單但絕不愚蠢
亞里斯多德(古希臘哲學家,柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大大帝的老師) : 所有的地震和災害都是警告; 世界上有太多的腐敗希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
六祖慧能大師 : 何期自性本自清淨, 何期自性本不生滅, 何期自性本自具足, 何期自性本無動搖, 何期自性能生萬法。
News on Environmental Protection
Destroy the Nature=Ruin your homeland
Causes: Spiritual Pollution(Greed,Hatred,Illusion,Arrogance)
Effect: Environmental Pollution (Water,Air,land,Food) Moral Education is Essential !!
Our mother earth can supply clean air, clean water, clean natural food to all lives originally, now all of them were destroyed by us ! Are we committing to suicide ?
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Dead body Toxic, antibiotics, chemical agents, pesticides, DDT and other insecticides, hormones, tranquilizers and anti-depressant drugs, plasticizers,Etc....
Meat,Fish,Egg,Milk=Sickness,Die Early, Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Osteoporosis, Fractures, Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Gallstone , Kidney stones, allergies, eczema, obesity, precocious puberty, central neurotoxicity, hemorrhoids, asthma, lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, cataract, Alzheimer's disease,Etc...Violation of Nature will be punished.
President Xi: Greenery Mountains n Water are Gold n Silver,To protect the ecological environment is like the protection of our eyes and treating all lives. We should not finish our ancester's rice and heritage, and left nothing for our children and grandchildren by the adoption of a destructive development. We should discover a subtainable development for our future by following the harmony principle amongst man,the the nature and all lives.
Mahatma Gandhi :The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed.Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) It Has Become Appallingly Obvious That Our Technology Has Exceeded Our Humanity2) Look Deep Into Nature, and Then You Will Understand Everything Better.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
3) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones
4) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
6) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Isaac Newton( an influential English mathematician, astronomer, physicist, "natural philosopher") : Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy.
Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) : All Earthquakes and Disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the worldHeather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Huineng : We don't need to seek or pursue everything which has already existed with us.
行十善 :乃身口意三業中所行之十種善行為:1,不殺生(包括不吃肉乃戰爭主因) 2,不偷盜 3,不邪淫 4,不妄語 5,不綺語 6,不惡口 7,不兩舌 8,不貪慾 9,不嗔恚 10,不愚痴, 善業 : 利益眾生, 惡業 : 利益自己, 一家飽暖, 萬家怨,不患貧,患不均,天作孽,猶可違,自作孽,不可活.
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
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56)環保新聞 : 破壞大自然=摧毀家園,人類天生是素食者,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,少慾知足,知足常樂,極簡主義,斷捨離,少消費=少污染,Man are born to be Vegan, Govegan=Mercy+Healthy+Save Lives+Earth,Less Consumption=Less Pollution,Simple is the Best(19)
因: 精神汚染(貪心,慎恨,愚癡,傲慢) 果: 環境汚染(空氣,水,土壤,食物) 一切從道德教育開始,源頭減廢,少欲知足,知足常樂,極簡主義,斷捨離,向物質主義不,精神文明=人類存亡
地球之母本來能供給眾生清新空氣, 清潔食水, 天然食物, 但現在人類郤違反自然, 利用科技破壞大自然, 這是否自尋短見?
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
違反天理必遭天譴.印度聖雄甘地:疫曲接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身(己所不欲勿施於人)
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源,斷慈悲心)
習主席: 綠水青山就是金山銀山,像保護眼睛一樣保護生態環境,像對待生命一樣對待生態環境,我們不能吃袓宗飯,斷子孫路,用破壞性方式搞發展,我們應該遵循天人合一,道法自然的理念,尋求永續發展之路.
印度聖雄甘地: 地球之母有充足資源養育眾生, 但卻不能滿足眾生無窮無盡的貪欲
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 科技的發展已超出人道範疇, 這是令人震驚和擔心的。
2) 深入地了解大自然, 你就會對宇宙眾生更加了解。
3) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器, 但好肯定第四次世界大戰可用的武器只剰有石頭和柴枝。
4) 人類是宇宙的一部分,這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己,他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來,是一種他的意識的光學妄想。 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄,把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中,並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄,以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
6) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
著名牛頓爵士(英國數學家、科學家和哲學家,發現自然哲學的數學原理,萬有引力定律等) : 大自然是十分簡單但絕不愚蠢
亞里斯多德(古希臘哲學家,柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大大帝的老師) : 所有的地震和災害都是警告; 世界上有太多的腐敗希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
六祖慧能大師 : 何期自性本自清淨, 何期自性本不生滅, 何期自性本自具足, 何期自性本無動搖, 何期自性能生萬法。
News on Environmental Protection
Destroy the Nature=Ruin your homeland
Causes: Spiritual Pollution(Greed,Hatred,Illusion,Arrogance)
Effect: Environmental Pollution (Water,Air,land,Food) Moral Education is Essential !!
Our mother earth can supply clean air, clean water, clean natural food to all lives originally, now all of them were destroyed by us ! Are we committing to suicide ?
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety, Govegan=Mercy+Healthy+Save Lives+earth
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Dead body Toxic, antibiotics, chemical agents, pesticides, DDT and other insecticides, hormones, tranquilizers and anti-depressant drugs, plasticizers,Etc....
Meat,Fish,Egg,Milk=Sickness,Die Early, Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Osteoporosis, Fractures, Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Gallstone , Kidney stones, allergies, eczema, obesity, precocious puberty, central neurotoxicity, hemorrhoids, asthma, lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, cataract, Alzheimer's disease,Etc...Violation of Nature will be punished.
President Xi: Greenery Mountains n Water are Gold n Silver,To protect the ecological environment is like the protection of our eyes and treating all lives. We should not finish our ancester's rice and heritage, and left nothing for our children and grandchildren by the adoption of a destructive development. We should discover a subtainable development for our future by following the harmony principle amongst man,the the nature and all lives.
Mahatma Gandhi :The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed.Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) It Has Become Appallingly Obvious That Our Technology Has Exceeded Our Humanity2) Look Deep Into Nature, and Then You Will Understand Everything Better.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins106912.html
3) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones
4) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
6) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Isaac Newton( an influential English mathematician, astronomer, physicist, "natural philosopher") : Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy.
Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) : All Earthquakes and Disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the worldHeather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Huineng : We don't need to seek or pursue everything which has already existed with us.
行十善 :乃身口意三業中所行之十種善行為:1,不殺生(包括不吃肉乃戰爭主因) 2,不偷盜 3,不邪淫 4,不妄語 5,不綺語 6,不惡口 7,不兩舌 8,不貪慾 9,不嗔恚 10,不愚痴, 善業 : 利益眾生, 惡業 : 利益自己, 一家飽暖, 萬家怨,不患貧,患不均,天作孽,猶可違,自作孽,不可活.
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
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57)肉魚蛋奶=飲苦食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物+疫苗=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,人類天生是素食者,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,少慾知足,知足常樂,極簡主義,斷捨離,少消費=少污染,基因改造食物+疫苗=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫, Man are born to be Vegan,Govegan=Mercy+Healthy+SaveLives+Earth,Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMOFood+Vaccine=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Less Consumption=Less Pollution,Simple is the Best(110)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身(己所不欲勿施於人)
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源,斷慈悲心)
孟子.梁惠王上: 君子之於禽獸也,見其生,不忍見其死,聞其聲,不忍食其肉.是以君子遠庖廚也.
孟子.告子上 : 恻隐之心,人皆有之. 論語 : 上天有好生之德,大地有载物之厚,君子有成人之美.宋 蘇軾(戒貪饕) : 口腹貪饕豈有窮, 咽喉一過總成空, 何如惜福留餘地, 養得清虛樂在中.
黃帝內經:聖人不治已病,治未病,不治已亂,治未亂. 英國博士華爾緒說:要避免人類流血,必須從餐桌上做起.
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥. (病從口入)
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地:疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底 (自癈天生抵抗能力)
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling,destroy immune sys
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Dead body Toxic,Steroid,antibiotics, chemical agents, pesticides, Dioxin, nitrite,triclosan,DDT and other insecticides, hormones, tranquilizers,sleeping pills,anti-depressant drugs,Melamine,plasticizers,Etc....
Meat,Fish,Egg,Milk=Sickness,Die Early,Suicide,Murder,Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Osteoporosis, Fractures, Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Gallstone , Kidney stones, allergies, eczema, obesity, precocious puberty,sleeping pills, central neurotoxicity, hemorrhoids, asthma, lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, cataract, Alzheimer's disease,Etc...Violation of Nature will be punished.
Mencius : 1) Why Noble Man is different from Animals if he sees them alive, he cannot stand to watch them die. If he hears their screams, he cannot stand to eat their meat. Therefore he stays away from the kitchen. this is an act of humaneness. 2) Everybody has good virtue and mercy.
The Analects : God has the good virtues of mercy,kindness,compassion and sympathy. Earth allows all lives to live in harmony , Noble man is always ready to help the others attain their aims.
Su Shi (Song Dynasty),Restrain Greed : Will gluttony ever be satisfied?Once food passes the throat, its gone.Imagine instead, if we cherish blessings for the future?Resting pure and tranquil: Ah! The happiness!Huangdi Neijing : Sage prevents from being sick rather than sick,prevent chaos rather than handling chaos.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet. (you are what you eat)
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Bernard Shaw (Nobel Prize for Literature (1925): Not that I look young, my looks are similar to my age, but others seem to be older than their actual age because they eat corps.What do you expect them?
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles):if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger:1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people 2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra 絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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58)飲苦食毒,食肉魚蛋奶=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Healthy+Save Lives+Earth(108)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身(己所不欲勿施於人)
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源,斷慈悲心)
孟子.梁惠王上: 君子之於禽獸也,見其生,不忍見其死,聞其聲,不忍食其肉.是以君子遠庖廚也.
孟子.告子上 : 恻隐之心,人皆有之. 論語 : 上天有好生之德,大地有载物之厚,君子有成人之美.宋 蘇軾(戒貪饕) : 口腹貪饕豈有窮, 咽喉一過總成空, 何如惜福留餘地, 養得清虛樂在中.
黃帝內經:聖人不治已病,治未病,不治已亂,治未亂. 英國博士華爾緒說:要避免人類流血,必須從餐桌上做起.
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥.
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地:疫曲接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Dead body Toxic,Steroid,antibiotics, chemical agents, pesticides, Dioxin, nitrite,triclosan,DDT and other insecticides, hormones, tranquilizers,anti-depressant drugs,Melamine,plasticizers,Etc....
Meat,Fish,Egg,Milk=Sickness,Die Early,Suicide,Murder,Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Osteoporosis, Fractures, Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Gallstone , Kidney stones, allergies, eczema, obesity, precocious puberty, central neurotoxicity, hemorrhoids, asthma, lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, cataract, Alzheimer's disease,Etc...Violation of Nature will be punished.
Mencius : 1) Why Noble Man is different from Animals if he sees them alive, he cannot stand to watch them die. If he hears their screams, he cannot stand to eat their meat. Therefore he stays away from the kitchen. this is an act of humaneness. 2) Everybody has good virtue and mercy.
The Analects : God has the good virtues of mercy,kindness,compassion and sympathy. Earth allows all lives to live in harmony , Noble man is always ready to help the others attain their aims.
Su Shi (Song Dynasty),Restrain Greed : Will gluttony ever be satisfied?Once food passes the throat, its gone.Imagine instead, if we cherish blessings for the future?Resting pure and tranquil: Ah! The happiness!Huangdi Neijing : Sage prevents from being sick rather than sick,prevent chaos rather than handling chaos.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Bernard Shaw (Nobel Prize for Literature (1925): Not that I look young, my looks are similar to my age, but others seem to be older than their actual age because they eat corps.What do you expect them?
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra 絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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59)飲苦食毒,食肉魚蛋奶=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Healthy+Save Lives+Earth(108)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身(己所不欲勿施於人)
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源,斷慈悲心)
孟子.梁惠王上: 君子之於禽獸也,見其生,不忍見其死,聞其聲,不忍食其肉.是以君子遠庖廚也.
孟子.告子上 : 恻隐之心,人皆有之. 論語 : 上天有好生之德,大地有载物之厚,君子有成人之美.宋 蘇軾(戒貪饕) : 口腹貪饕豈有窮, 咽喉一過總成空, 何如惜福留餘地, 養得清虛樂在中.
黃帝內經:聖人不治已病,治未病,不治已亂,治未亂. 英國博士華爾緒說:要避免人類流血,必須從餐桌上做起.
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥.
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地:疫曲接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Dead body Toxic,Steroid,antibiotics, chemical agents, pesticides, Dioxin, nitrite,triclosan,DDT and other insecticides, hormones, tranquilizers,anti-depressant drugs,Melamine,plasticizers,Etc....
Meat,Fish,Egg,Milk=Sickness,Die Early,Suicide,Murder,Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Osteoporosis, Fractures, Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Gallstone , Kidney stones, allergies, eczema, obesity, precocious puberty, central neurotoxicity, hemorrhoids, asthma, lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, cataract, Alzheimer's disease,Etc...Violation of Nature will be punished.
Mencius : 1) Why Noble Man is different from Animals if he sees them alive, he cannot stand to watch them die. If he hears their screams, he cannot stand to eat their meat. Therefore he stays away from the kitchen. this is an act of humaneness. 2) Everybody has good virtue and mercy.
The Analects : God has the good virtues of mercy,kindness,compassion and sympathy. Earth allows all lives to live in harmony , Noble man is always ready to help the others attain their aims.
Su Shi (Song Dynasty),Restrain Greed : Will gluttony ever be satisfied?Once food passes the throat, its gone.Imagine instead, if we cherish blessings for the future?Resting pure and tranquil: Ah! The happiness!Huangdi Neijing : Sage prevents from being sick rather than sick,prevent chaos rather than handling chaos.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Bernard Shaw (Nobel Prize for Literature (1925): Not that I look young, my looks are similar to my age, but others seem to be older than their actual age because they eat corps.What do you expect them?
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra 絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
60)飲苦食毒,食肉魚蛋奶=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Healthy+Save Lives+Earth(107)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身(己所不欲勿施於人)
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源,斷慈悲心)
孟子.梁惠王上: 君子之於禽獸也,見其生,不忍見其死,聞其聲,不忍食其肉.是以君子遠庖廚也.
孟子.告子上 : 恻隐之心,人皆有之. 論語 : 上天有好生之德,大地有载物之厚,君子有成人之美.宋 蘇軾(戒貪饕) : 口腹貪饕豈有窮, 咽喉一過總成空, 何如惜福留餘地, 養得清虛樂在中.
黃帝內經:聖人不治已病,治未病,不治已亂,治未亂. 英國博士華爾緒說:要避免人類流血,必須從餐桌上做起.
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥.
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地:疫曲接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Dead body Toxic,Steroid,antibiotics, chemical agents, pesticides, Dioxin, nitrite,triclosan,DDT and other insecticides, hormones, tranquilizers,anti-depressant drugs,Melamine,plasticizers,Etc....
Meat,Fish,Egg,Milk=Sickness,Die Early,Suicide,Murder,Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Osteoporosis, Fractures, Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Gallstone , Kidney stones, allergies, eczema, obesity, precocious puberty, central neurotoxicity, hemorrhoids, asthma, lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, cataract, Alzheimer's disease,Etc...Violation of Nature will be punished.
Mencius : 1) Why Noble Man is different from Animals if he sees them alive, he cannot stand to watch them die. If he hears their screams, he cannot stand to eat their meat. Therefore he stays away from the kitchen. this is an act of humaneness. 2) Everybody has good virtue and mercy.
The Analects : God has the good virtues of mercy,kindness,compassion and sympathy. Earth allows all lives to live in harmony , Noble man is always ready to help the others attain their aims.
Su Shi (Song Dynasty),Restrain Greed : Will gluttony ever be satisfied?Once food passes the throat, its gone.Imagine instead, if we cherish blessings for the future?Resting pure and tranquil: Ah! The happiness!Huangdi Neijing : Sage prevents from being sick rather than sick,prevent chaos rather than handling chaos.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Bernard Shaw (Nobel Prize for Literature (1925): Not that I look young, my looks are similar to my age, but others seem to be older than their actual age because they eat corps.What do you expect them?
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra 絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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61)飲苦食毒,食肉魚蛋奶=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Healthy+Save Lives+Earth(106)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源,斷慈悲心)
孟子.梁惠王上: 君子之於禽獸也,見其生,不忍見其死,聞其聲,不忍食其肉.是以君子遠庖廚也.
孟子.告子上 : 恻隐之心,人皆有之. 論語 : 上天有好生之德,大地有载物之厚,君子有成人之美.宋 蘇軾(戒貪饕) : 口腹貪饕豈有窮, 咽喉一過總成空, 何如惜福留餘地, 養得清虛樂在中.
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥.
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Dead body Toxic,Steroid,antibiotics, chemical agents, pesticides, Dioxin, nitrite,triclosan,DDT and other insecticides, hormones, tranquilizers and anti-depressant drugs,Melamine,plasticizers,Etc....
Meat,Fish,Egg,Milk=Sickness,Die Early,Suicide,Murder,Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Osteoporosis, Fractures, Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Gallstone , Kidney stones, allergies, eczema, obesity, precocious puberty, central neurotoxicity, hemorrhoids, asthma, lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, cataract, Alzheimer's disease,Etc...Violation of Nature will be punished.
Mencius : 1) Why Noble Man is different from Animals if he sees them alive, he cannot stand to watch them die. If he hears their screams, he cannot stand to eat their meat. Therefore he stays away from the kitchen. this is an act of humaneness. 2) Everybody has good virtue and mercy.
The Analects : God has the good virtues of mercy,kindness,compassion and sympathy. Earth allows all lives to live in harmony , Noble man is always ready to help the others attain their aims.
Su Shi (Song Dynasty),Restrain Greed : Will gluttony ever be satisfied?Once food passes the throat, its gone.Imagine instead, if we cherish blessings for the future?Resting pure and tranquil: Ah! The happiness!Huangdi Neijing : Sage prevents from being sick rather than sick,prevent chaos rather than handling chaos.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Bernard Shaw (Nobel Prize for Literature (1925): Not that I look young, my looks are similar to my age, but others seem to be older than their actual age because they eat corps.What do you expect them?
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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62)飲苦食毒,食肉魚蛋奶=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Healthy+Save Lives+Earth(105)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源,斷慈悲心)
孟子.梁惠王上: 君子之於禽獸也,見其生,不忍見其死,聞其聲,不忍食其肉.是以君子遠庖廚也.
孟子.告子上 : 恻隐之心,人皆有之. 論語 : 上天有好生之德,大地有载物之厚,君子有成人之美.宋 蘇軾(戒貪饕) : 口腹貪饕豈有窮, 咽喉一過總成空, 何如惜福留餘地, 養得清虛樂在中.
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥.
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Dead body Toxic,Steroid,antibiotics, chemical agents, pesticides, Dioxin, nitrite,triclosan,DDT and other insecticides, hormones, tranquilizers and anti-depressant drugs,Melamine,plasticizers,Etc....
Meat,Fish,Egg,Milk=Sickness,Die Early,Suicide,Murder,Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Osteoporosis, Fractures, Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Gallstone , Kidney stones, allergies, eczema, obesity, precocious puberty, central neurotoxicity, hemorrhoids, asthma, lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, cataract, Alzheimer's disease,Etc...Violation of Nature will be punished.
Mencius : 1) Why Noble Man is different from Animals if he sees them alive, he cannot stand to watch them die. If he hears their screams, he cannot stand to eat their meat. Therefore he stays away from the kitchen. this is an act of humaneness. 2) Everybody has good virtue and mercy.
The Analects : God has the good virtues of mercy,kindness,compassion and sympathy. Earth allows all lives to live in harmony , Noble man is always ready to help the others attain their aims.
Su Shi (Song Dynasty),Restrain Greed : Will gluttony ever be satisfied?Once food passes the throat, its gone.Imagine instead, if we cherish blessings for the future?Resting pure and tranquil: Ah! The happiness!Huangdi Neijing : Sage prevents from being sick rather than sick,prevent chaos rather than handling chaos.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Bernard Shaw (Nobel Prize for Literature (1925): Not that I look young, my looks are similar to my age, but others seem to be older than their actual age because they eat corps.What do you expect them?
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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63)慈悲,憐憫,同情,人道,(道德淪亡=世界末日)(141)人類天生是素食者,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,少慾知足,知足常樂,極簡主義,斷捨離,少消費=少污染,Man are born to be Vegan, Govegan=Mercy+Healthy+Save Lives+Earth,Less Consumption=Less Pollution,Simple is the Best
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
佛說 : 諸惡莫作, 眾善奉行, 因果通三世, 種善因得善果, 種惡因得惡果, 尊重生命, 眾生平等
行十善 :乃身口意三業中所行之十種善行為:1,不殺生(包括不吃肉乃戰爭主因) 2,不偷盜 3,不邪淫 4,不妄語 5,不綺語 6,不惡口 7,不兩舌 8,不貪慾 9,不嗔恚 10,不愚痴, 善業 : 利益眾生, 惡業 : 利益自己, 一家飽暖, 萬家怨,不患貧,患不均,天作孽,猶可違,自作孽,不可活
眾生=主人, 政府=公僕, 經濟增長=債務+污染+戰爭+末日, 萬般帶不走, 唯有業隨身
地球不是人類所有, 人類郤是地球所有, 有限資源vs無限貪婪
習近平主席/ 前新加坡總理李光耀: 房用來住,不是炒習主席: 1) 我們絕不允許任何人,任何組織,任何政黨,在任何時候,以任何形式,把任何一塊中國領土從中國分裂出去!2) 綠水青山就是金山銀山,像保護眼睛一樣保護生態環境,像對待生命一樣對待生態環境,我們不能吃袓宗飯,斷子孫路,用破壞性方式搞發展,我們應該遵循天人合一,道法自然的理念,尋求永續發展之路.
孔子: 人性本善. 己所不欲,勿施於人 孟子: 惻隱之心人皆有之. 尚書,大甲: 天作孽,犹可违 自作孽,不可活.
道家太上成應篇: 禍福無門. 惟人自召.善惡之報.如影隨形. 范仲淹:“以德服人,天下欣戴,以力服人,天下怨望”
金剛經: 上一生行善,下一生富貴. 佛經: 無緣大慈, 同體大悲. 上天有好生之德
英國博士華爾緒: 要想避免人類流血,便須從餐桌上做起
南非前總統曼德拉: 貧窮並不是意外,像奴隸制和種族隔離政策,全都是人為的,所以也可以由人去廢除印度聖雄甘地: 貧窮是最惡劣的暴力形式
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) : 只有為服務眾生而生存的人,他們的生命才有價值
亞里斯多德(古希臘哲學家,柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大大帝的老師) : 所有的地震和災害都是警告; 世界上有太多的腐敗
阿爾伯特·史懷哲(德國阿爾薩斯的通才,擁有神學、音樂、哲學及醫學四個博士學位,他的“尊重生命”哲學,獲得1952年度諾貝爾和平獎) : 人生的目的是為眾生服務,除了同情他們之外也要盡量幫助他們.
殺人放火金腰帶, 修橋補路無屍骸,朱門酒肉臭,路有凍死骨.
Mercy,Empathy,Humanity,Compassion(MEHC) Main Page
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Dead body Toxic,Steroid,antibiotics, chemical agents, pesticides, Dioxin, nitrite,triclosan,DDT and other insecticides, hormones, tranquilizers,sleeping pills,anti-depressant drugs,Melamine,plasticizers,Etc....
Meat,Fish,Egg,Milk=Sickness,Die Early,Suicide,Murder,Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Osteoporosis, Fractures, Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Gallstone , Kidney stones, allergies, eczema, obesity, precocious puberty,sleeping pills, central neurotoxicity, hemorrhoids, asthma, lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, cataract, Alzheimer's disease,Etc...Violation of Nature will be punished
Moral Collapse=World Collapse(MC=WC),Finite Resources Vs Infinite Greed, All Lives' interest=good business, self interest=bad business
President Xi/Former Singapore President Lee Kuan Yew: Houses are for living not for speculation
President Xi: 1) We will never allow any person, any organization, any political party, at any time, in any form, to split any piece of Chinese territory from China.
2) Greenery Mountains n Water are Gold n Silver,To protect the ecological environment is like the protection of our eyes and treating all lives. We should not finish our ancester's rice and heritage, and left nothing for our children and grandchildren by the adoption of a destructive development. We should discover a subtainable development for our future by following the harmony principle amongst man,the the nature and all lives.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Nelson Mandela(Former President of South Africa) : Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid. It is Man-Made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Poverty is the worst form of violence.
Albert Einstein (Nobel Prize in Physics ): Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) : All Earthquakes and Disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the world
Buddha : 'All lives are equal, Respect All Lives'
Good Karma=Good People,Bad Karma=Bad People,GDP(Global/Debt/Depopulation,Pollution/Pm2.5)
Albert Schweitzer (Nobel Peace Prize) : The purpose of human life is to serve,and to show compassion and the will to help others.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Golden Rule :1) Confucius : do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Human goodness by nature.
2) Treat other people with the concern and kindness you would like them to show toward you.
Fan Zhongyan (prime minster in song dynasty): to treat all lives with virtue and mercy , can win all support, to treat all lives with force n brutality, all would turn against you.
All LIVES=BOSS, gov=servant, 1:99=Bad Karma,99:1=Good Karma, We do not own our Earth, We are owned by the Earth.
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra, 絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
MainPage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143
64)飲苦食毒,食肉魚蛋奶=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(104)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
習近平主席:房用來住,不是炒 前新加坡總理李光耀:房用來住,不是炒習近平主席: 我們絕不允許任何人,任何組織,任何政黨,在任何時候,以任何形式,把任何一塊中國領土從中國分裂出去!
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
孟子.梁惠王上: 君子之於禽獸也,見其生,不忍見其死,聞其聲,不忍食其肉.是以君子遠庖廚也.
孟子.告子上 : 恻隐之心,人皆有之. 論語 : 上天有好生之德,大地有载物之厚,君子有成人之美.宋 蘇軾(戒貪饕) : 口腹貪饕豈有窮, 咽喉一過總成空, 何如惜福留餘地, 養得清虛樂在中.
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥.
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
President Xi/Former Singapore President Lee Kuan Yew: Houses are for living not for speculation
President Xi: We will never allow any person, any organization, any political party, at any time, in any form, to split any piece of Chinese territory from China
Mencius : 1) Why Noble Man is different from Animals if he sees them alive, he cannot stand to watch them die. If he hears their screams, he cannot stand to eat their meat. Therefore he stays away from the kitchen. this is an act of humaneness. 2) Everybody has good virtue and mercy.
The Analects : God has the good virtues of mercy,kindness,compassion and sympathy. Earth allows all lives to live in harmony , Noble man is always ready to help the others attain their aims.
Su Shi (Song Dynasty),Restrain Greed : Will gluttony ever be satisfied?Once food passes the throat, its gone.Imagine instead, if we cherish blessings for the future?Resting pure and tranquil: Ah! The happiness!Huangdi Neijing : Sage prevents from being sick rather than sick,prevent chaos rather than handling chaos.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Bernard Shaw (Nobel Prize for Literature (1925): Not that I look young, my looks are similar to my age, but others seem to be older than their actual age because they eat corps.What do you expect them?
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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65)飲苦食毒,食肉魚蛋奶=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(103)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
習近平主席:房用來住,不是炒 前新加坡總理李光耀:房用來住,不是炒習近平主席: 我們絕不允許任何人,任何組織,任何政黨,在任何時候,以任何形式,把任何一塊中國領土從中國分裂出去!
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
孟子.梁惠王上: 君子之於禽獸也,見其生,不忍見其死,聞其聲,不忍食其肉.是以君子遠庖廚也.
孟子.告子上 : 恻隐之心,人皆有之. 論語 : 上天有好生之德,大地有载物之厚,君子有成人之美.宋 蘇軾(戒貪饕) : 口腹貪饕豈有窮, 咽喉一過總成空, 何如惜福留餘地, 養得清虛樂在中.
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥.
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
President Xi/Former Singapore President Lee Kuan Yew: Houses are for living not for speculation
President Xi: We will never allow any person, any organization, any political party, at any time, in any form, to split any piece of Chinese territory from China
Mencius : 1) Why Noble Man is different from Animals if he sees them alive, he cannot stand to watch them die. If he hears their screams, he cannot stand to eat their meat. Therefore he stays away from the kitchen. this is an act of humaneness. 2) Everybody has good virtue and mercy.
The Analects : God has the good virtues of mercy,kindness,compassion and sympathy. Earth allows all lives to live in harmony , Noble man is always ready to help the others attain their aims.
Su Shi (Song Dynasty),Restrain Greed : Will gluttony ever be satisfied?Once food passes the throat, its gone.Imagine instead, if we cherish blessings for the future?Resting pure and tranquil: Ah! The happiness!Huangdi Neijing : Sage prevents from being sick rather than sick,prevent chaos rather than handling chaos.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Bernard Shaw (Nobel Prize for Literature (1925): Not that I look young, my looks are similar to my age, but others seem to be older than their actual age because they eat corps.What do you expect them?
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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66)飲苦食毒,食肉魚蛋奶=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(102)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
習近平主席:房用來住,不是炒 前新加坡總理李光耀:房用來住,不是炒習近平主席: 我們絕不允許任何人,任何組織,任何政黨,在任何時候,以任何形式,把任何一塊中國領土從中國分裂出去!
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
孟子.梁惠王上: 君子之於禽獸也,見其生,不忍見其死,聞其聲,不忍食其肉.是以君子遠庖廚也.
孟子.告子上 : 恻隐之心,人皆有之. 論語 : 上天有好生之德,大地有载物之厚,君子有成人之美.宋 蘇軾(戒貪饕) : 口腹貪饕豈有窮, 咽喉一過總成空, 何如惜福留餘地, 養得清虛樂在中.
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥.
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
President Xi/Former Singapore President Lee Kuan Yew: Houses are for living not for speculation
President Xi: We will never allow any person, any organization, any political party, at any time, in any form, to split any piece of Chinese territory from China
Mencius : 1) Why Noble Man is different from Animals if he sees them alive, he cannot stand to watch them die. If he hears their screams, he cannot stand to eat their meat. Therefore he stays away from the kitchen. this is an act of humaneness. 2) Everybody has good virtue and mercy.
The Analects : God has the good virtues of mercy,kindness,compassion and sympathy. Earth allows all lives to live in harmony , Noble man is always ready to help the others attain their aims.
Su Shi (Song Dynasty),Restrain Greed : Will gluttony ever be satisfied?Once food passes the throat, its gone.Imagine instead, if we cherish blessings for the future?Resting pure and tranquil: Ah! The happiness!Huangdi Neijing : Sage prevents from being sick rather than sick,prevent chaos rather than handling chaos.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Bernard Shaw (Nobel Prize for Literature (1925): Not that I look young, my looks are similar to my age, but others seem to be older than their actual age because they eat corps.What do you expect them?
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105
67)飲苦食毒,食肉魚蛋奶=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(101)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
習近平主席:房用來住,不是炒 前新加坡總理李光耀:房用來住,不是炒習近平主席: 我們絕不允許任何人,任何組織,任何政黨,在任何時候,以任何形式,把任何一塊中國領土從中國分裂出去!
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
孟子.梁惠王上: 君子之於禽獸也,見其生,不忍見其死,聞其聲,不忍食其肉.是以君子遠庖廚也.
孟子.告子上 : 恻隐之心,人皆有之. 論語 : 上天有好生之德,大地有载物之厚,君子有成人之美.宋 蘇軾(戒貪饕) : 口腹貪饕豈有窮, 咽喉一過總成空, 何如惜福留餘地, 養得清虛樂在中.
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥.
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
President Xi/Former Singapore President Lee Kuan Yew: Houses are for living not for speculation
President Xi: We will never allow any person, any organization, any political party, at any time, in any form, to split any piece of Chinese territory from China
Mencius : 1) Why Noble Man is different from Animals if he sees them alive, he cannot stand to watch them die. If he hears their screams, he cannot stand to eat their meat. Therefore he stays away from the kitchen. this is an act of humaneness. 2) Everybody has good virtue and mercy.
The Analects : God has the good virtues of mercy,kindness,compassion and sympathy. Earth allows all lives to live in harmony , Noble man is always ready to help the others attain their aims.
Su Shi (Song Dynasty),Restrain Greed : Will gluttony ever be satisfied?Once food passes the throat, its gone.Imagine instead, if we cherish blessings for the future?Resting pure and tranquil: Ah! The happiness!Huangdi Neijing : Sage prevents from being sick rather than sick,prevent chaos rather than handling chaos.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Bernard Shaw (Nobel Prize for Literature (1925): Not that I look young, my looks are similar to my age, but others seem to be older than their actual age because they eat corps.What do you expect them?
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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68)飲苦食毒,食肉=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(100)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
習近平主席:房用來住,不是炒 前新加坡總理李光耀:房用來住,不是炒習近平主席: 我們絕不允許任何人,任何組織,任何政黨,在任何時候,以任何形式,把任何一塊中國領土從中國分裂出去!
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
孟子.梁惠王上: 君子之於禽獸也,見其生,不忍見其死,聞其聲,不忍食其肉.是以君子遠庖廚也.
孟子.告子上 : 恻隐之心,人皆有之. 論語 : 上天有好生之德,大地有载物之厚,君子有成人之美.宋 蘇軾(戒貪饕) : 口腹貪饕豈有窮, 咽喉一過總成空, 何如惜福留餘地, 養得清虛樂在中.
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥.
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
President Xi/Former Singapore President Lee Kuan Yew: Houses are for living not for speculation
President Xi: We will never allow any person, any organization, any political party, at any time, in any form, to split any piece of Chinese territory from China
Mencius : 1) Why Noble Man is different from Animals if he sees them alive, he cannot stand to watch them die. If he hears their screams, he cannot stand to eat their meat. Therefore he stays away from the kitchen. this is an act of humaneness. 2) Everybody has good virtue and mercy.
The Analects : God has the good virtues of mercy,kindness,compassion and sympathy. Earth allows all lives to live in harmony , Noble man is always ready to help the others attain their aims.
Su Shi (Song Dynasty),Restrain Greed : Will gluttony ever be satisfied?Once food passes the throat, its gone.Imagine instead, if we cherish blessings for the future?Resting pure and tranquil: Ah! The happiness!Huangdi Neijing : Sage prevents from being sick rather than sick,prevent chaos rather than handling chaos.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Bernard Shaw (Nobel Prize for Literature (1925): Not that I look young, my looks are similar to my age, but others seem to be older than their actual age because they eat corps.What do you expect them?
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
69)飲苦食毒,食肉=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(99)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
習近平主席:房用來住,不是炒 前新加坡總理李光耀:房用來住,不是炒習近平主席: 我們絕不允許任何人,任何組織,任何政黨,在任何時候,以任何形式,把任何一塊中國領土從中國分裂出去!
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
孟子.梁惠王上: 君子之於禽獸也,見其生,不忍見其死,聞其聲,不忍食其肉.是以君子遠庖廚也.
孟子.告子上 : 恻隐之心,人皆有之. 論語 : 上天有好生之德,大地有载物之厚,君子有成人之美.宋 蘇軾(戒貪饕) : 口腹貪饕豈有窮, 咽喉一過總成空, 何如惜福留餘地, 養得清虛樂在中.
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥.
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
President Xi/Former Singapore President Lee Kuan Yew: Houses are for living not for speculation
President Xi: We will never allow any person, any organization, any political party, at any time, in any form, to split any piece of Chinese territory from China
Mencius : Why Noble Man is different from Animals if he sees them alive, he cannot stand to watch them die. If he hears their screams, he cannot stand to eat their meat. Therefore he stays away from the kitchen. this is an act of humaneness.
Mencius : Everybody has good virtue and mercy The Analects : God has the good virtues of mercy,kindness,compassion and sympathy. Earth allows all lives to live in harmony , Noble man is always ready to help the others attain their aims.
Su Shi (Song Dynasty),Restrain Greed : Will gluttony ever be satisfied?Once food passes the throat, its gone.Imagine instead, if we cherish blessings for the future?Resting pure and tranquil: Ah! The happiness!
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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70)飲苦食毒,食肉=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(98)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
習近平主席:房用來住,不是炒 前新加坡總理李光耀:房用來住,不是炒習近平主席: 我們絕不允許任何人,任何組織,任何政黨,在任何時候,以任何形式,把任何一塊中國領土從中國分裂出去!
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸,設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲: 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,劫欲知世上刀兵,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
孟子.梁惠王上: 君子之於禽獸也,見其生,不忍見其死,聞其聲,不忍食其肉.是以君子遠庖廚也.
孟子.告子上 : 恻隐之心,人皆有之. 論語 : 上天有好生之德,大地有载物之厚,君子有成人之美.宋 蘇軾(戒貪饕) : 口腹貪饕豈有窮, 咽喉一過總成空, 何如惜福留餘地, 養得清虛樂在中.
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥.
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
President Xi/Former Singapore President Lee Kuan Yew: Houses are for living not for speculation
President Xi: We will never allow any person, any organization, any political party, at any time, in any form, to split any piece of Chinese territory from China
Mencius : Why Noble Man is different from Animals if he sees them alive, he cannot stand to watch them die. If he hears their screams, he cannot stand to eat their meat. Therefore he stays away from the kitchen. this is an act of humaneness.
Mencius : Everybody has good virtue and mercy The Analects : God has the good virtues of mercy,kindness,compassion and sympathy. Earth allows all lives to live in harmony , Noble man is always ready to help the others attain their aims.
Su Shi (Song Dynasty),Restrain Greed : Will gluttony ever be satisfied?Once food passes the throat, its gone.Imagine instead, if we cherish blessings for the future?Resting pure and tranquil: Ah! The happiness!
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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71)飲苦食毒,食肉=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(97)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
習近平主席:房用來住,不是炒 前新加坡總理李光耀:房用來住,不是炒習近平主席: 我們絕不允許任何人,任何組織,任何政黨,在任何時候,以任何形式,把任何一塊中國領土從中國分裂出去!
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)宋 蘇軾(戒貪饕) : 口腹貪饕豈有窮, 咽喉一過總成空, 何如惜福留餘地, 養得清虛樂在中.
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥.
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
President Xi/Former Singapore President Lee Kuan Yew: Houses are for living not for speculation
President Xi: We will never allow any person, any organization, any political party, at any time, in any form, to split any piece of Chinese territory from China
Su Shi (Song Dynasty),Restrain Greed : Will gluttony ever be satisfied?Once food passes the throat, its gone.Imagine instead, if we cherish blessings for the future?Resting pure and tranquil: Ah! The happiness!
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
72)飲苦食毒,食肉=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(96)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
習近平主席:房用來住,不是炒 前新加坡總理李光耀:房用來住,不是炒習近平主席: 我們絕不允許任何人,任何組織,任何政黨,在任何時候,以任何形式,把任何一塊中國領土從中國分裂出去!
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥.
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
President Xi/Former Singapore President Lee Kuan Yew: Houses are for living not for speculation
President Xi: We will never allow any person, any organization, any political party, at any time, in any form, to split any piece of Chinese territory from China
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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73)飲苦食毒,食肉=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(95)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
習近平主席:房用來住,不是炒 前新加坡總理李光耀:房用來住,不是炒習近平主席: 我們絕不允許任何人,任何組織,任何政黨,在任何時候,以任何形式,把任何一塊中國領土從中國分裂出去!
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥.
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
President Xi/Former Singapore President Lee Kuan Yew: Houses are for living not for speculation
President Xi: We will never allow any person, any organization, any political party, at any time, in any form, to split any piece of Chinese territory from China
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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74)飲苦食毒,食肉=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(94)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
習近平主席:房用來住,不是炒 前新加坡總理李光耀:房用來住,不是炒習近平主席: 我們絕不允許任何人,任何組織,任何政黨,在任何時候,以任何形式,把任何一塊中國領土從中國分裂出去!
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥.
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
President Xi/Former Singapore President Lee Kuan Yew: Houses are for living not for speculation
President Xi: We will never allow any person, any organization, any political party, at any time, in any form, to split any piece of Chinese territory from China
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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75)飲苦食毒,食肉=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(93)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥.
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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76)飲苦食毒,食肉=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(92)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
唐代名醫藥王孫思邈 : 藥食同源=食物就是治病與健康最好的良藥, 你的食物就是你的良藥.
1. (備急千金藥方): 夫為醫道者,當洞曉病原,知其所犯,以食治之.食治不癒,然後命藥.
2. 養生之道: 自古名賢治病,多以用生命以濟危急,雖日賤畜貴人,至於愛命,人畜一也,損彼益己,物情同患,況於人乎,夫殺生求生,去生更遠,吾今此方,所以不用生命為藥者,良由此也.
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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77)飲苦食毒,食肉=食毒+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(91)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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78)飲苦食毒,食肉=食毒+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(90)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93
79)飲苦食毒,食肉=食毒+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(89)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92
80)飲苦食毒,食肉=食毒+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(88)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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81)飲苦食毒,食肉=食毒+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(87)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
82)飲苦食毒,食肉=食毒+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(86)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
83)飲苦食毒,食肉=食毒+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(85)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87
84)飲苦食毒,食肉=食毒+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(84)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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85)飲苦食毒,食肉=食毒+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth(83)
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming is Animal Farming (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming is Animal Farming (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming is Animal Farming (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming is Animal Farming (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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聯合國: 地球暖化最大元兇: 畜牧業 (全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒),全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming is Animal Farming (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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聯合國: 地球暖化最大元兇: 畜牧業 (全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒),全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming is Animal Farming (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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聯合國: 地球暖化最大元兇: 畜牧業 (全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒),全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
著名南宋詩人陸游 (戒殺詩 或放生詩):血肉淋漓味足珍,一般痛苦怨難伸, 設身處地捫心想,誰肯將刀割自身。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
著名英國男歌手保羅麥卡尼,披頭四的成員 : 如果屠房的牆壁是玻璃做,大家都不會食肉,而轉做素食者
希瑟·米斯 (素食者及創辦素食基金會) : 全球暖化原因,80%來自牲畜和森林砍伐
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
印度聖雄甘地 : 疫苗接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
著名理論物理學家 哲學家愛因斯 :
1) 只有素食,人類才可得到健康和延長地球壽命 2) 我認為類天生不是食肉的
3) 沒有疫苗可治療愚蠢(自有的免疫系統是自己天生固有的不用外求,只有愚蠢的人才自我摧毀他,六祖慧能:何其自胜,本自俱促
4) 人口過剩成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 5) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Meat=Toxic+Killing+War+Global Warming
Govegan=Saving lives/planet+Healthy, Less Meat=Less Heat
GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod,Food Health Safety
VACcination=Vast Ample Culling
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming is Animal Farming (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.
2) it almost seems to me that man was not born to be a carnivore.
3) There is no vaccine against stupidity.
4)Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
5) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
Paul McCartney (singer for the rock band the Beatles) : if slaughterhouses had glass walls everyone would be a vegetarian
Heather Mills (Vegetarian and Vegan Foundation): 80% of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.
Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger :
1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
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113)本會的 "動物絕育計劃" 新聞 Our ABC ( Animals Birth Control) News (8)
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114)動物絕育 計劃 新聞 ABC ( Animals Birth Control) News (7)
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115)動物絕育 計劃 新聞 ABC ( Animals Birth Control) News (6)
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116)動物絕育 計劃 新聞 ABC ( Animals Birth Control) News (5)
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117)動物絕育 計劃 新聞 ABC ( Animals Birth Control) News (4)
P. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
118)動物絕育 計劃 新聞 ABC ( Animals Birth Control) News (3)
P. 1 2 3 4 5
119)動物絕育 計劃 新聞 ABC ( Animals Birth Control) News (2)
P. 1 2 3 4
120)本會的 "動物絕育計劃" 新聞 Our ABC ( Animals Birth Control) News (1)
P. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
121)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (28)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想. 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的 30) 只有兩種生活方式.一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟, 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟. 31) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物.
32) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. 2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth,Demeat,Deconsumption
122)一帶一路 (新絲綢之路) One Belt One Road ( New Silk Road ) (24)
人類天生是素食者,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,少慾知足,知足常樂,極簡主義,斷捨離,少消費=少污染,Man are born to be Vegan, Govegan=Mercy+Healthy+Save Lives+Earth,Less Consumption=Less Pollution,Simple is the Best
連接全世界, 促進全人類和眾生和平, 穏定, 繁榮, 環保等好處....
中国国家主席习近平 : 一个国家要谋求自身发展,必须也让别人发展;要谋求自身安全,必须也让别人安全;要谋求自身过得好,必须也让别人过得好.
習近平主席/前新加坡總理李光耀:房用來住,不是炒習主席: 1) 我們絕不允許任何人,任何組織,任何政黨,在任何時候,以任何形式,把任何一塊中國領土從中國分裂出去!2) 綠水青山就是金山銀山,像保護眼睛一樣保護生態環境,像對待生命一樣對待生態環境,我們不能吃袓宗飯,斷子孫路,用破壞性方式搞發展,我們應該遵循天人合一,道法自然的理念,尋求永續發展之路.
Connects the World, enhances the World Peace, Stability, Prosperity n Environmental Protection etc...
President Xi : A country to seek their own development, must also let others develop; to seek their own safety, must also let others safe; to seek their own good, must also let others have a good lifePresident Xi / Former Singapore President Lee Kuan Yew : Houses are for living not for speculation
President Xi: 1) We will never allow any person, any organization, any political party, at any time, in any form, to split any piece of Chinese territory from China.
2) Greenery Mountains n Water are Gold n Silver,To protect the ecological environment is like the protection of our eyes and treating all lives. We should not finish our ancester's rice and heritage, and left nothing for our children and grandchildren by the adoption of a destructive development. We should discover a subtainable development for our future by following the harmony principle amongst man,the the nature and all lives.
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇
印度聖雄甘地:疫曲接種是野蠻行為, 有良知的人都應反抗到底
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming,GMO Food=Global/Genocide Massacre Ohmygod
Meat,fish,egg,milk=Dead body Toxic,Steroid,antibiotics, chemical agents, pesticides, Dioxin, nitrite,triclosan,DDT and other insecticides, hormones, tranquilizers and anti-depressant drugs,Melamine,plasticizers,Etc....
Meat,Fish,Egg,Milk=Sickness,Die Early,Suicide,Murder,Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, Stroke, Cardiovascular Disease, Hypertension, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Osteoporosis, Fractures, Arthritis, Gout, Rheumatism, Mad Cow Disease, Bird Flu, Gallstone , Kidney stones, allergies, eczema, obesity, precocious puberty, central neurotoxicity, hemorrhoids, asthma, lactose intolerance, multiple sclerosis, cataract, Alzheimer's disease,Etc...Violation of Nature will be punished.Mohandas Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction.
佛說 : 諸惡莫作, 眾善奉行, 因果通三世, 種善因得善果, 種惡因得惡果, 尊重生命, 眾生平等
行十善 :乃身口意三業中所行之十種善行為:1,不殺生(包括不吃肉乃戰爭主因) 2,不偷盜 3,不邪淫 4,不妄語 5,不綺語 6,不惡口 7,不兩舌 8,不貪慾 9,不嗔恚 10,不愚痴, 善業 : 利益眾生, 惡業 : 利益自己, 一家飽暖, 萬家怨,不患貧,患不均,天作孽,猶可違,自作孽,不可活
眾生=主人, 政府=公僕, 經濟增長=債務+污染+戰爭+末日, 萬般帶不走, 唯有業隨身
地球不是人類所有, 人類郤是地球所有, 有限資源vs無限貪婪
孔子: 人性本善. 己所不欲,勿施於人 孟子: 惻隱之心人皆有之. 尚書,大甲: 天作孽,犹可违 自作孽,不可活.
道家太上成應篇: 禍福無門. 惟人自召.善惡之報.如影隨形. 范仲淹:“以德服人,天下欣戴,以力服人,天下怨望”
金剛經: 上一生行善,下一生富貴. 佛經: 無緣大慈, 同體大悲. 上天有好生之德
英國博士華爾緒: 要想避免人類流血,便須從餐桌上做起
南非前總統曼德拉: 貧窮並不是意外,像奴隸制和種族隔離政策,全都是人為的,所以也可以由人去廢除印度聖雄甘地: 貧窮是最惡劣的暴力形式
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) : 只有為服務眾生而生存的人,他們的生命才有價值
亞里斯多德(古希臘哲學家,柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大大帝的老師) : 所有的地震和災害都是警告; 世界上有太多的腐敗
阿爾伯特·史懷哲(德國阿爾薩斯的通才,擁有神學、音樂、哲學及醫學四個博士學位,他的“尊重生命”哲學,獲得1952年度諾貝爾和平獎) : 人生的目的是為眾生服務,除了同情他們之外也要盡量幫助他們.
殺人放火金腰帶, 修橋補路無屍骸,朱門酒肉臭,路有凍死骨.
Moral Collapse=World Collapse(MC=WC),Finite Resources Vs Infinite Greed,All Lives' interest=good business,self interest=bad business
全球62個有錢人擁有全世界1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Nelson Mandela(Former President of South Africa) : Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid. It is Man-Made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Poverty is the worst form of violence.
Albert Einstein (Nobel Prize in Physics ): Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) : All Earthquakes and Disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the world
Buddha : 'All lives are equal, Respect All Lives'
Good Karma=Good People,Bad Karma=Bad People,GDP(Global/Debt/Depopulation,Pollution/Pm2.5)
Albert Schweitzer (Nobel Peace Prize) : The purpose of human life is to serve,and to show compassion and the will to help others.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Golden Rule :1) Confucius : do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Human goodness by nature.
2) Treat other people with the concern and kindness you would like them to show toward you.
Fan Zhongyan (prime minster in song dynasty): to treat all lives with virtue and mercy , can win all support, to treat all lives with force n brutality, all would turn against you.
All LIVES=BOSS, gov=servant, 1:99=Bad Karma,99:1=Good Karma, We do not own our Earth, We are owned by the Earth.
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra, 絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
P.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
123)一帶一路 (新絲綢之路) One Belt One Road ( New Silk Road ) (23)
連接全世界, 促進全人類和眾生和平, 穏定, 繁榮, 環保等好處....中国国家主席习近平 : 一个国家要谋求自身发展,必须也让别人发展;要谋求自身安全,必须也让别人安全;要谋求自身过得好,必须也让别人过得好。
Connects the World, enhances the World Peace, Stability, Prosperity n Environmental Protection etc...
President Xi : A country to seek their own development, must also let others develop; to seek their own safety, must also let others safe; to seek their own good, must also let others have a good life
慈悲,憐憫,同情,人道,(道德淪亡=世界末日) 佛說 : 諸惡莫作, 眾善奉行, 因果通三世, 種善因得善果, 種惡因得惡果, 尊重生命, 眾生平等
行十善 :乃身口意三業中所行之十種善行為:1,不殺生(包括不吃肉乃戰爭主因) 2,不偷盜 3,不邪淫 4,不妄語 5,不綺語 6,不惡口 7,不兩舌 8,不貪慾 9,不嗔恚 10,不愚痴, 善業 : 利益眾生, 惡業 : 利益自己, 一家飽暖, 萬家怨,不患貧,患不均,天作孽,猶可違,自作孽,不可活
眾生=主人, 政府=公僕, 經濟增長=債務+污染+戰爭+末日, 萬般帶不走, 唯有業隨身
地球不是人類所有, 人類郤是地球所有, 有限資源vs無限貪婪
孔子: 人性本善. 己所不欲,勿施於人 孟子: 惻隱之心人皆有之. 尚書,大甲: 天作孽,犹可违 自作孽,不可活.
道家太上成應篇: 禍福無門. 惟人自召.善惡之報.如影隨形.
金剛經: 上一生行善,下一生富貴. 佛經: 無緣大慈, 同體大悲. 上天有好生之德
英國博士華爾緒: 要想避免人類流血,便須從餐桌上做起
南非前總統曼德拉: 貧窮並不是意外,像奴隸制和種族隔離政策,全都是人為的,所以也可以由人去廢除
印度聖雄甘地: 貧窮是最惡劣的暴力形式 愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) : 只有為服務眾生而生存的人,他們的生命才有價值
亞里斯多德(古希臘哲學家,柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大大帝的老師) : 所有的地震和災害都是警告; 世界上有太多的腐敗
阿爾伯特·史懷哲(德國阿爾薩斯的通才,擁有神學、音樂、哲學及醫學四個博士學位,他的“尊重生命”哲學,獲得1952年度諾貝爾和平獎) : 人生的目的是為眾生服務,除了同情他們之外也要盡量幫助他們.
殺人放火金腰帶, 修橋補路無屍骸,朱門酒肉臭,路有凍死骨.
Mercy,Empathy,Humanity,Compassion(MEHC) Main Page
Moral Collapse=World Collapse(MC=WC),Finite Resources Vs Infinite Greed, All Lives' interest=good business, self interest=bad business
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Nelson Mandela(Former President of South Africa) : Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid. It is Man-Made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Poverty is the worst form of violence.
Albert Einstein (Nobel Prize in Physics ): Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) : All Earthquakes and Disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the world
Buddha : 'All lives are equal, Respect All Lives'
Good Karma=Good People,Bad Karma=Bad People,GDP(Global/Debt/Depopulation,Pollution/Pm2.5)
Albert Schweitzer (Nobel Peace Prize) : The purpose of human life is to serve,and to show compassion and the will to help others.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Golden Rule :1) Confucius : do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Human goodness by nature.
2) Treat other people with the concern and kindness you would like them to show toward you.
All LIVES=BOSS, gov=servant, 1:99=Bad Karma,99:1=Good Karma, We do not own our Earth, We are owned by the Earth.
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra, 絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
P.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
124)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (27)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對。 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想。 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事。 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅。 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值。 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的。 30) 只有兩種生活方式。 一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟。 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟。 30) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
31) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending.
2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
聯合國: 畜牧業=地球暖化最大元兇:全球15億牛,甲烷氣体佔全球1/3,氨汚染佔全球2/3,二氧化碳佔全球1/3,全球1/5土地過度畜牧而沙漠化,1公升牛奶,消耗990公升水,1磅牛肉,消耗16磅穀物和6個月淋浴,1個食肉人,可養活20食素者,若全球食素,沒有飢荒,全球1.2億人飢荒+1.2億人肥胖,為牧場需求而剷除森林地,每年制造5.3兆億噸二氧化碳,是濫伐森林的元兇食肉魚蛋奶=食毒+兇殘+殺生+戰爭+地球暖化,基因改造食物=眾生環境滅絕汚染大災劫,素食=慈悲+護生+身心健康+救地球,Govegan=Mercy+Save lives+Healthy+Save earth
佛說 : 諸惡莫作, 眾善奉行, 因果通三世, 種善因得善果, 種惡因得惡果, 尊重生命, 眾生平等
行十善 :乃身口意三業中所行之十種善行為:1,不殺生(包括不吃肉乃戰爭主因) 2,不偷盜 3,不邪淫 4,不妄語 5,不綺語 6,不惡口 7,不兩舌 8,不貪慾 9,不嗔恚 10,不愚痴, 善業 : 利益眾生, 惡業 : 利益自己, 一家飽暖, 萬家怨,不患貧,患不均,天作孽,猶可違,自作孽,不可活
眾生=主人, 政府=公僕, 經濟增長=債務+污染+戰爭+末日, 萬般帶不走, 唯有業隨身
地球不是人類所有, 人類郤是地球所有, 有限資源vs無限貪婪習近平主席:房用來住,不是炒 前新加坡總理李光耀:房用來住,不是炒習近平主席: 我們絕不允許任何人,任何組織,任何政黨,在任何時候,以任何形式,把任何一塊中國領土從中國分裂出去!
孔子: 人性本善. 己所不欲,勿施於人 孟子: 惻隱之心人皆有之. 尚書,大甲: 天作孽,犹可违 自作孽,不可活.
道家太上成應篇: 禍福無門. 惟人自召.善惡之報.如影隨形. 范仲淹:“以德服人,天下欣戴,以力服人,天下怨望”
金剛經: 上一生行善,下一生富貴. 佛經: 無緣大慈, 同體大悲. 上天有好生之德
英國博士華爾緒: 要想避免人類流血,便須從餐桌上做起
南非前總統曼德拉: 貧窮並不是意外,像奴隸制和種族隔離政策,全都是人為的,所以也可以由人去廢除印度聖雄甘地: 貧窮是最惡劣的暴力形式
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) : 只有為服務眾生而生存的人,他們的生命才有價值
亞里斯多德(古希臘哲學家,柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大大帝的老師) : 所有的地震和災害都是警告; 世界上有太多的腐敗
阿爾伯特·史懷哲(德國阿爾薩斯的通才,擁有神學、音樂、哲學及醫學四個博士學位,他的“尊重生命”哲學,獲得1952年度諾貝爾和平獎) : 人生的目的是為眾生服務,除了同情他們之外也要盡量幫助他們.
殺人放火金腰帶, 修橋補路無屍骸,朱門酒肉臭,路有凍死骨.
Mercy,Empathy,Humanity,Compassion(MEHC) Main Page
UN:Main Cause of Global Warming=Animals Agriculture (1.5bn livestocks produce 1/3 Manthene,2/3 Ammonia,1/3 Co2,1/5 lands become desertification,1liter milk=990 liter water,1lb beef=16 grains+6 months showering,1 carnivorous=20 vegetarians, No hunger if all are vegetarians.1.2bn suffer from hunger+1.2bn is obesity in the world,destruction of rainforest for Animal Farming causes 5.3trillion tons of Co2 emissions)Meat,fish,egg,milk=Toxic+Cruel+Killing+War+Global Warming
Moral Collapse=World Collapse(MC=WC),Finite Resources Vs Infinite Greed, All Lives' interest=good business, self interest=bad business
President Xi/Former Singapore President Lee Kuan Yew: Houses are for living not for speculation
President Xi: We will never allow any person, any organization, any political party, at any time, in any form, to split any piece of Chinese territory from China
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Nelson Mandela(Former President of South Africa) : Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid. It is Man-Made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Poverty is the worst form of violence.
Albert Einstein (Nobel Prize in Physics ): Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) : All Earthquakes and Disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the world
Buddha : 'All lives are equal, Respect All Lives'
Good Karma=Good People,Bad Karma=Bad People,GDP(Global/Debt/Depopulation,Pollution/Pm2.5)
Albert Schweitzer (Nobel Peace Prize) : The purpose of human life is to serve,and to show compassion and the will to help others.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Golden Rule :1) Confucius : do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Human goodness by nature.
2) Treat other people with the concern and kindness you would like them to show toward you.
Fan Zhongyan (prime minster in song dynasty): to treat all lives with virtue and mercy , can win all support, to treat all lives with force n brutality, all would turn against you.
All LIVES=BOSS, gov=servant, 1:99=Bad Karma,99:1=Good Karma, We do not own our Earth, We are owned by the Earth.
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra, 絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
MainPage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143
126)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (26)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對。 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想。 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事。 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅。 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值。 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的。 30) 只有兩種生活方式。 一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟。 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟。 30) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
31) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending.
2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
127)一帶一路 (新絲綢之路) One Belt One Road ( New Silk Road ) (22)
連接全世界, 促進全人類和眾生和平, 穏定, 繁榮, 環保等好處....中国国家主席习近平 : 一个国家要谋求自身发展,必须也让别人发展;要谋求自身安全,必须也让别人安全;要谋求自身过得好,必须也让别人过得好。
Connects the World, enhances the World Peace, Stability, Prosperity n Environmental Protection etc...
President Xi : A country to seek their own development, must also let others develop; to seek their own safety, must also let others safe; to seek their own good, must also let others have a good life
慈悲,憐憫,同情,人道,(道德淪亡=世界末日) 佛說 : 諸惡莫作, 眾善奉行, 因果通三世, 種善因得善果, 種惡因得惡果, 尊重生命, 眾生平等
行十善 :乃身口意三業中所行之十種善行為:1,不殺生(包括不吃肉乃戰爭主因) 2,不偷盜 3,不邪淫 4,不妄語 5,不綺語 6,不惡口 7,不兩舌 8,不貪慾 9,不嗔恚 10,不愚痴, 善業 : 利益眾生, 惡業 : 利益自己, 一家飽暖, 萬家怨,不患貧,患不均,天作孽,猶可違,自作孽,不可活
眾生=主人, 政府=公僕, 經濟增長=債務+污染+戰爭+末日, 萬般帶不走, 唯有業隨身
地球不是人類所有, 人類郤是地球所有, 有限資源vs無限貪婪
孔子: 人性本善. 己所不欲,勿施於人 孟子: 惻隱之心人皆有之. 尚書,大甲: 天作孽,犹可违 自作孽,不可活.
道家太上成應篇: 禍福無門. 惟人自召.善惡之報.如影隨形.
金剛經: 上一生行善,下一生富貴. 佛經: 無緣大慈, 同體大悲. 上天有好生之德
英國博士華爾緒: 要想避免人類流血,便須從餐桌上做起
南非前總統曼德拉: 貧窮並不是意外,像奴隸制和種族隔離政策,全都是人為的,所以也可以由人去廢除
印度聖雄甘地: 貧窮是最惡劣的暴力形式 愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) : 只有為服務眾生而生存的人,他們的生命才有價值
亞里斯多德(古希臘哲學家,柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大大帝的老師) : 所有的地震和災害都是警告; 世界上有太多的腐敗
阿爾伯特·史懷哲(德國阿爾薩斯的通才,擁有神學、音樂、哲學及醫學四個博士學位,他的“尊重生命”哲學,獲得1952年度諾貝爾和平獎) : 人生的目的是為眾生服務,除了同情他們之外也要盡量幫助他們.
殺人放火金腰帶, 修橋補路無屍骸,朱門酒肉臭,路有凍死骨.
Mercy,Empathy,Humanity,Compassion(MEHC) Main Page
Moral Collapse=World Collapse(MC=WC),Finite Resources Vs Infinite Greed, All Lives' interest=good business, self interest=bad business
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Nelson Mandela(Former President of South Africa) : Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid. It is Man-Made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Poverty is the worst form of violence.
Albert Einstein (Nobel Prize in Physics ): Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) : All Earthquakes and Disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the world
Buddha : 'All lives are equal, Respect All Lives'
Good Karma=Good People,Bad Karma=Bad People,GDP(Global/Debt/Depopulation,Pollution/Pm2.5)
Albert Schweitzer (Nobel Peace Prize) : The purpose of human life is to serve,and to show compassion and the will to help others.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Golden Rule :1) Confucius : do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Human goodness by nature.
2) Treat other people with the concern and kindness you would like them to show toward you.
All LIVES=BOSS, gov=servant, 1:99=Bad Karma,99:1=Good Karma, We do not own our Earth, We are owned by the Earth.
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra, 絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
P.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
佛說 : 諸惡莫作, 眾善奉行, 因果通三世, 種善因得善果, 種惡因得惡果, 尊重生命, 眾生平等
行十善 :乃身口意三業中所行之十種善行為:1,不殺生(包括不吃肉乃戰爭主因) 2,不偷盜 3,不邪淫 4,不妄語 5,不綺語 6,不惡口 7,不兩舌 8,不貪慾 9,不嗔恚 10,不愚痴, 善業 : 利益眾生, 惡業 : 利益自己, 一家飽暖, 萬家怨,不患貧,患不均,天作孽,猶可違,自作孽,不可活
眾生=主人, 政府=公僕, 經濟增長=債務+污染+戰爭+末日, 萬般帶不走, 唯有業隨身
地球不是人類所有, 人類郤是地球所有, 有限資源vs無限貪婪
孔子: 人性本善. 己所不欲,勿施於人 孟子: 惻隱之心人皆有之. 尚書,大甲: 天作孽,犹可违 自作孽,不可活.
道家太上成應篇: 禍福無門. 惟人自召.善惡之報.如影隨形. 范仲淹:“以德服人,天下欣戴,以力服人,天下怨望”
金剛經: 上一生行善,下一生富貴. 佛經: 無緣大慈, 同體大悲. 上天有好生之德
英國博士華爾緒: 要想避免人類流血,便須從餐桌上做起
南非前總統曼德拉: 貧窮並不是意外,像奴隸制和種族隔離政策,全都是人為的,所以也可以由人去廢除印度聖雄甘地: 貧窮是最惡劣的暴力形式
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) : 只有為服務眾生而生存的人,他們的生命才有價值
亞里斯多德(古希臘哲學家,柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大大帝的老師) : 所有的地震和災害都是警告; 世界上有太多的腐敗
阿爾伯特·史懷哲(德國阿爾薩斯的通才,擁有神學、音樂、哲學及醫學四個博士學位,他的“尊重生命”哲學,獲得1952年度諾貝爾和平獎) : 人生的目的是為眾生服務,除了同情他們之外也要盡量幫助他們.
殺人放火金腰帶, 修橋補路無屍骸,朱門酒肉臭,路有凍死骨.
Mercy,Empathy,Humanity,Compassion(MEHC) Main Page
Moral Collapse=World Collapse(MC=WC),Finite Resources Vs Infinite Greed, All Lives' interest=good business, self interest=bad business
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Nelson Mandela(Former President of South Africa) : Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid. It is Man-Made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Poverty is the worst form of violence.
Albert Einstein (Nobel Prize in Physics ): Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) : All Earthquakes and Disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the world
Buddha : 'All lives are equal, Respect All Lives'
Good Karma=Good People,Bad Karma=Bad People,GDP(Global/Debt/Depopulation,Pollution/Pm2.5)
Albert Schweitzer (Nobel Peace Prize) : The purpose of human life is to serve,and to show compassion and the will to help others.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Golden Rule :1) Confucius : do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Human goodness by nature.
2) Treat other people with the concern and kindness you would like them to show toward you.
Fan Zhongyan (prime minster in song dynasty): to treat all lives with virtue and mercy , can win all support, to treat all lives with force n brutality, all would turn against you.
All LIVES=BOSS, gov=servant, 1:99=Bad Karma,99:1=Good Karma, We do not own our Earth, We are owned by the Earth.
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra, 絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
MainPage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142
佛說 : 諸惡莫作, 眾善奉行, 因果通三世, 種善因得善果, 種惡因得惡果, 尊重生命, 眾生平等
行十善 :乃身口意三業中所行之十種善行為:1,不殺生(包括不吃肉乃戰爭主因) 2,不偷盜 3,不邪淫 4,不妄語 5,不綺語 6,不惡口 7,不兩舌 8,不貪慾 9,不嗔恚 10,不愚痴, 善業 : 利益眾生, 惡業 : 利益自己, 一家飽暖, 萬家怨,不患貧,患不均,天作孽,猶可違,自作孽,不可活
眾生=主人, 政府=公僕, 經濟增長=債務+污染+戰爭+末日, 萬般帶不走, 唯有業隨身
地球不是人類所有, 人類郤是地球所有, 有限資源vs無限貪婪
孔子: 人性本善. 己所不欲,勿施於人 孟子: 惻隱之心人皆有之. 尚書,大甲: 天作孽,犹可违 自作孽,不可活.
道家太上成應篇: 禍福無門. 惟人自召.善惡之報.如影隨形. 范仲淹:“以德服人,天下欣戴,以力服人,天下怨望”
金剛經: 上一生行善,下一生富貴. 佛經: 無緣大慈, 同體大悲. 上天有好生之德
英國博士華爾緒: 要想避免人類流血,便須從餐桌上做起
南非前總統曼德拉: 貧窮並不是意外,像奴隸制和種族隔離政策,全都是人為的,所以也可以由人去廢除印度聖雄甘地: 貧窮是最惡劣的暴力形式
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) : 只有為服務眾生而生存的人,他們的生命才有價值
亞里斯多德(古希臘哲學家,柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大大帝的老師) : 所有的地震和災害都是警告; 世界上有太多的腐敗
阿爾伯特·史懷哲(德國阿爾薩斯的通才,擁有神學、音樂、哲學及醫學四個博士學位,他的“尊重生命”哲學,獲得1952年度諾貝爾和平獎) : 人生的目的是為眾生服務,除了同情他們之外也要盡量幫助他們.
殺人放火金腰帶, 修橋補路無屍骸,朱門酒肉臭,路有凍死骨.
Mercy,Empathy,Humanity,Compassion(MEHC) Main Page
Moral Collapse=World Collapse(MC=WC),Finite Resources Vs Infinite Greed, All Lives' interest=good business, self interest=bad business
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Nelson Mandela(Former President of South Africa) : Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid. It is Man-Made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Poverty is the worst form of violence.
Albert Einstein (Nobel Prize in Physics ): Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) : All Earthquakes and Disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the world
Buddha : 'All lives are equal, Respect All Lives'
Good Karma=Good People,Bad Karma=Bad People,GDP(Global/Debt/Depopulation,Pollution/Pm2.5)
Albert Schweitzer (Nobel Peace Prize) : The purpose of human life is to serve,and to show compassion and the will to help others.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Golden Rule :1) Confucius : do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Human goodness by nature.
2) Treat other people with the concern and kindness you would like them to show toward you.
Fan Zhongyan (prime minster in song dynasty): to treat all lives with virtue and mercy , can win all support, to treat all lives with force n brutality, all would turn against you.
All LIVES=BOSS, gov=servant, 1:99=Bad Karma,99:1=Good Karma, We do not own our Earth, We are owned by the Earth.
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra, 絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
MainPage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141
130)一帶一路 (新絲綢之路) One Belt One Road ( New Silk Road ) (21)
連接全世界, 促進全人類和眾生和平, 穏定, 繁榮, 環保等好處....中国国家主席习近平 : 一个国家要谋求自身发展,必须也让别人发展;要谋求自身安全,必须也让别人安全;要谋求自身过得好,必须也让别人过得好。
Connects the World, enhances the World Peace, Stability, Prosperity n Environmental Protection etc...
President Xi : A country to seek their own development, must also let others develop; to seek their own safety, must also let others safe; to seek their own good, must also let others have a good life
慈悲,憐憫,同情,人道,(道德淪亡=世界末日) 佛說 : 諸惡莫作, 眾善奉行, 因果通三世, 種善因得善果, 種惡因得惡果, 尊重生命, 眾生平等
行十善 :乃身口意三業中所行之十種善行為:1,不殺生(包括不吃肉乃戰爭主因) 2,不偷盜 3,不邪淫 4,不妄語 5,不綺語 6,不惡口 7,不兩舌 8,不貪慾 9,不嗔恚 10,不愚痴, 善業 : 利益眾生, 惡業 : 利益自己, 一家飽暖, 萬家怨,不患貧,患不均,天作孽,猶可違,自作孽,不可活
眾生=主人, 政府=公僕, 經濟增長=債務+污染+戰爭+末日, 萬般帶不走, 唯有業隨身
地球不是人類所有, 人類郤是地球所有, 有限資源vs無限貪婪
孔子: 人性本善. 己所不欲,勿施於人 孟子: 惻隱之心人皆有之. 尚書,大甲: 天作孽,犹可违 自作孽,不可活.
道家太上成應篇: 禍福無門. 惟人自召.善惡之報.如影隨形.
金剛經: 上一生行善,下一生富貴. 佛經: 無緣大慈, 同體大悲. 上天有好生之德
英國博士華爾緒: 要想避免人類流血,便須從餐桌上做起
南非前總統曼德拉: 貧窮並不是意外,像奴隸制和種族隔離政策,全都是人為的,所以也可以由人去廢除
印度聖雄甘地: 貧窮是最惡劣的暴力形式 愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) : 只有為服務眾生而生存的人,他們的生命才有價值
亞里斯多德(古希臘哲學家,柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大大帝的老師) : 所有的地震和災害都是警告; 世界上有太多的腐敗
阿爾伯特·史懷哲(德國阿爾薩斯的通才,擁有神學、音樂、哲學及醫學四個博士學位,他的“尊重生命”哲學,獲得1952年度諾貝爾和平獎) : 人生的目的是為眾生服務,除了同情他們之外也要盡量幫助他們.
殺人放火金腰帶, 修橋補路無屍骸,朱門酒肉臭,路有凍死骨.
Mercy,Empathy,Humanity,Compassion(MEHC) Main Page
Moral Collapse=World Collapse(MC=WC),Finite Resources Vs Infinite Greed, All Lives' interest=good business, self interest=bad business
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Nelson Mandela(Former President of South Africa) : Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid. It is Man-Made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Poverty is the worst form of violence.
Albert Einstein (Nobel Prize in Physics ): Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) : All Earthquakes and Disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the world
Buddha : 'All lives are equal, Respect All Lives'
Good Karma=Good People,Bad Karma=Bad People,GDP(Global/Debt/Depopulation,Pollution/Pm2.5)
Albert Schweitzer (Nobel Peace Prize) : The purpose of human life is to serve,and to show compassion and the will to help others.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Golden Rule :1) Confucius : do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Human goodness by nature.
2) Treat other people with the concern and kindness you would like them to show toward you.
All LIVES=BOSS, gov=servant, 1:99=Bad Karma,99:1=Good Karma, We do not own our Earth, We are owned by the Earth.
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra, 絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
P.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
131)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (25)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對。 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想。 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事。 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅。 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值。 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的。 30) 只有兩種生活方式。 一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟。 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟。 30) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
31) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending.
2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
132)第三次世界大戰 = 世界末日 (World War 3 = Doomsday) (24)
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) :
1) 我不知道第三次世界大戰用什麼武器,我只知道第四次世界大戰的武器是石頭和竹竿。
1a) 人口過剩已成為人類的健康和全世界和平的嚴重威脅。 1b) 我認為戰爭只不過是用來掩飾其謀殺的行為。
1c) 今天的衝突只不過是舊式的權力鬥爭, 又再以半宗教外表型式展示給人類。不同之處, 是今天有原子彈, 核能的發展充滿了幽靈般性格的鬥爭;雙方認識並承認, 如果吵架惡化為實際戰爭中, 人類是注定要失敗的。
2) 我們不能用創造他們的同樣的想法來解決問題。 3) 和平不能通過武力來維持, 它只能通過理解來實現。
4) 我擔心科技將超越人類互動的那一天。 世界將有一代白痴。 5) 弱者要報復,強者會原諒, 有智慧的人會置之不理。
6) 瘋狂的人: 一遍又一遍地做同樣的事情,期待不同的結果。 7) 只有兩件事是無限的, 宇宙和人類的愚蠢,我不知道前者。
8) 一個聰明的人解決問題。一個明智的人避免它。 9) 你永遠不會失敗, 直到你停止嘗試。
10) 學習昨天,活在今天, 希望明天。 重要的是不要停止質疑。 11) 教育不是學習背誦事實, 而是學習如何思考。
12) 想像力比知識更重要。 13) 盡量不要成為一個成功的人,而是試圖成為一個有價值的人。
14) 如果你不能用簡單的方法去解釋它, 證明你還未明白它。 15) 一個從來沒有犯過錯誤的人從來沒有嘗試任何新的東西。
16) 偉大的精神或思想, 總是會遇到平庸心智的猛烈反對。 17) 一切都應盡可能簡單但不單純。
18) 人類是宇宙的一部分, 這個宇宙的時間和空間有限。 他經歷了自己, 他的思想和感覺與其他事物分離開來, 是一種他的意識的光學妄想。 這種妄想是對我們來說是一種監獄, 把我們限制在我們個人的慾望之中, 並且對最靠近我們的幾個人來說是一種感情。 我們的任務必須是通過擴大我們的同情心來讓自己擺脫這個監獄, 以擁抱所有生物和整個自然的美麗。
19) 如果因為害怕懲罰或希望得到獎勵而做好人,那是十分遺憾的事。 20) 如果你想過幸福的生活, 應定一個人生目標, 而這目標不應是對人或事物。
21) 世界不會被那些邪惡的人所毀滅, 而是被那些坐視不理的人所毀滅。 22) 愚蠢與天才之間的差異在於天才是有極限的。
23) 最重要的是不要停止質疑。 好奇心有自己的存在理由和價值。 24) 知識分子解決問題, 天才的人是會預防和避免問題的發生。
25) 不要做任何違背良心的事情即使國家要求。 26) 例子不是另一種教學方式, 它是唯一的教學方法。
27) 民族主義是一種嬰兒期的疾病。它是人類的麻疹。 28) 為人而生存, 生命才有意義。
29) 如果在小事情上都不誠實, 更何況在大事上, 所以此人是不值得信任的。 30) 只有兩種生活方式。 一個好像沒有什麼是奇蹟。 另一個就好像一切都是奇蹟。 30) 如果一個男人渴望正義的生活,他的第一個禁慾行為就是傷害動物。
31) 如果蜜蜂在地球消失了, 人類在地球的壽命只有四年。
印度聖雄甘地: 以眼還眼會使整個世界盲人。
伯特蘭·羅素(英國哲學家、數學家和邏輯學家,諾貝爾文學獎) : 戰爭不能決定誰對或錯, 只能決定誰生或死。
希羅多德(前5世紀的古希臘作家) : 和平時代, 兒子埋葬父親, 在戰爭時代, 父親埋葬兒子)
亞伯拉罕·林肯(第十六任美國總統) :
1) 戰爭裡没有所謂高尚的殺死或温柔的毀滅, 戰爭並不是一件好事, 除非是它的結束。
2) 我摧毀我的敵人, 當我讓他們成為我的朋友
尊尼·戴普(Johnny Depp)(美國男演員、電影監製和音樂家) : 你可以閉上你眼,看不到你不想看到的東西,但你郤不能把你的心閉上,想你不想要的東西。
約翰連儂(英國歌手和詞曲作者,披頭士樂隊的創始成員聞名全球) : 我們生活在一個我們必須隱藏來做愛的世界,但郤在光天化日之下, 若無其事無法無天地做暴力和戰爭的殘忍行為。
釋願雲 : 千百年來碗裡羹,冤深似海恨難平,欲知世上刀兵劫,但聽屠門夜半聲 (食肉是戰爭的根源)
如何避免刀兵劫 (台中蓮社 李炳南居士原著) Woes of War-costs and cause 如何必免刀兵劫 1-7
英國博士華爾緒說: 要避免人類流血, 必須從餐桌上做起
前美國國務卿 亨利·季辛吉 :
1) 控制石油就可控制國家, 控制糧食就可控制人民 2) 消滅人口是美國對第三世界國家首要的外交政策
Albert Einstein (German theoretical physicist, influence on the philosophy of science,Nobel Prize in Physics ):
1) I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.
1a) Overpopulation in various countries has become a serious threat to the health of people and a grave obstacle to any attempt to organise peace on this planet.
1b) It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder.
1c) The conflict that exists today is no more than an old-style struggle for power, once again presented to mankind in semireligious trappings. The difference is that, this time, the development of atomic power has imbued the struggle with a ghostly character; for both parties know and admit that, should the quarrel deteriorate into actual war, mankind is doomed.
2) we cannot solve the problems with the same thinking that created them.
3) Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.
4) I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of idiots.
5) Weak people revenge. Strong people forgive. Intelligent people ignore.
6) Insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
7) Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
8) a clever person solves a problem. a wise person avoids it.
9) you never fail until you stop trying.
10) Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
11) Education Is Not the Learning of Facts, But the Training of the Mind To Think
12) imagination is more important than knowledge.
13) Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.
14) if you cannot explain it simply you do not understand it well enough.
15) a person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.
16) great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds.
17) everything should be made as simple as possible but not simpler.
18) A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
19) If people are good only because they fear punishment, and hope for reward, then we are a sorry lot indeed.
20) If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
21) The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything
22) the difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits meaning.
23) The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.
24) Intellectuals solve problems, geniuses prevent them.
25) Never do anything against conscience even if the state demands it.
26) Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach.
27) Nationalism is an infantile sickness. It is the measles of the human race.
28) Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.28
29) Anyone Who Doesn’t Take Truth Seriously in Small Matters Cannot Be Trusted in Large Ones Either.
30) There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
31) If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals.
32) If the Bee Disappeared Off the Face of the Earth, Man Would Only Have Four Years Left To Live.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : An Eye for an Eye Will Make the Whole World Blind.
Bertrand Russell (British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic,Nobel Prize in Literature) : War Does Not Determine Who Is Right — Only Who Is Left
Herodotus (Greek historian) : In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.
Abraham Lincoln(16th President of the United States) :
1) There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending.
2) i destroy my enemies when i make them my friends.
Johnny Depp (American actor, producer, and musician) : You can close your eyes to the things you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart to the things you don't want to feel.
John Lennon (English singer and songwriter who co-founded the Beatles) : We live in a world where we have to hide to make love, while violence is practiced in broad daylight.Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Former secretary of state, Henry Kissinger : 1) Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.
2) Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world.
絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
佛說 : 諸惡莫作, 眾善奉行, 因果通三世, 種善因得善果, 種惡因得惡果, 尊重生命, 眾生平等
行十善 :乃身口意三業中所行之十種善行為:1,不殺生(包括不吃肉乃戰爭主因) 2,不偷盜 3,不邪淫 4,不妄語 5,不綺語 6,不惡口 7,不兩舌 8,不貪慾 9,不嗔恚 10,不愚痴, 善業 : 利益眾生, 惡業 : 利益自己, 一家飽暖, 萬家怨,不患貧,患不均,天作孽,猶可違,自作孽,不可活
眾生=主人, 政府=公僕, 經濟增長=債務+污染+戰爭+末日, 萬般帶不走, 唯有業隨身
地球不是人類所有, 人類郤是地球所有, 有限資源vs無限貪婪
孔子: 人性本善. 己所不欲,勿施於人 孟子: 惻隱之心人皆有之. 尚書,大甲: 天作孽,犹可违 自作孽,不可活.
道家太上成應篇: 禍福無門. 惟人自召.善惡之報.如影隨形. 范仲淹:“以德服人,天下欣戴,以力服人,天下怨望”
金剛經: 上一生行善,下一生富貴. 佛經: 無緣大慈, 同體大悲. 上天有好生之德
英國博士華爾緒: 要想避免人類流血,便須從餐桌上做起
南非前總統曼德拉: 貧窮並不是意外,像奴隸制和種族隔離政策,全都是人為的,所以也可以由人去廢除印度聖雄甘地: 貧窮是最惡劣的暴力形式
愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) : 只有為服務眾生而生存的人,他們的生命才有價值
亞里斯多德(古希臘哲學家,柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大大帝的老師) : 所有的地震和災害都是警告; 世界上有太多的腐敗
阿爾伯特·史懷哲(德國阿爾薩斯的通才,擁有神學、音樂、哲學及醫學四個博士學位,他的“尊重生命”哲學,獲得1952年度諾貝爾和平獎) : 人生的目的是為眾生服務,除了同情他們之外也要盡量幫助他們.
殺人放火金腰帶, 修橋補路無屍骸,朱門酒肉臭,路有凍死骨.
Mercy,Empathy,Humanity,Compassion(MEHC) Main Page
Moral Collapse=World Collapse(MC=WC),Finite Resources Vs Infinite Greed, All Lives' interest=good business, self interest=bad business
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Nelson Mandela(Former President of South Africa) : Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid. It is Man-Made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Poverty is the worst form of violence.
Albert Einstein (Nobel Prize in Physics ): Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) : All Earthquakes and Disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the world
Buddha : 'All lives are equal, Respect All Lives'
Good Karma=Good People,Bad Karma=Bad People,GDP(Global/Debt/Depopulation,Pollution/Pm2.5)
Albert Schweitzer (Nobel Peace Prize) : The purpose of human life is to serve,and to show compassion and the will to help others.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Golden Rule :1) Confucius : do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Human goodness by nature.
2) Treat other people with the concern and kindness you would like them to show toward you.
Fan Zhongyan (prime minster in song dynasty): to treat all lives with virtue and mercy , can win all support, to treat all lives with force n brutality, all would turn against you.
All LIVES=BOSS, gov=servant, 1:99=Bad Karma,99:1=Good Karma, We do not own our Earth, We are owned by the Earth.
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10good deeds,no more doomsday
佛說八大人覺經Eight Great Awakenings Sutra, 絕育肉慾救地球 3Ds saves the Earth : Debirth, Demeat, Deconsumption
MainPage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140
134)一帶一路 (新絲綢之路) One Belt One Road ( New Silk Road ) (20)
連接全世界, 促進全人類和眾生和平, 穏定, 繁榮, 環保等好處....中国国家主席习近平 : 一个国家要谋求自身发展,必须也让别人发展;要谋求自身安全,必须也让别人安全;要谋求自身过得好,必须也让别人过得好。
Connects the World, enhances the World Peace, Stability, Prosperity n Environmental Protection etc...
President Xi : A country to seek their own development, must also let others develop; to seek their own safety, must also let others safe; to seek their own good, must also let others have a good life
慈悲,憐憫,同情,人道,(道德淪亡=世界末日) 佛說 : 諸惡莫作, 眾善奉行, 因果通三世, 種善因得善果, 種惡因得惡果, 尊重生命, 眾生平等
行十善 :乃身口意三業中所行之十種善行為:1,不殺生(包括不吃肉乃戰爭主因) 2,不偷盜 3,不邪淫 4,不妄語 5,不綺語 6,不惡口 7,不兩舌 8,不貪慾 9,不嗔恚 10,不愚痴, 善業 : 利益眾生, 惡業 : 利益自己, 一家飽暖, 萬家怨,不患貧,患不均,天作孽,猶可違,自作孽,不可活
眾生=主人, 政府=公僕, 經濟增長=債務+污染+戰爭+末日, 萬般帶不走, 唯有業隨身
地球不是人類所有, 人類郤是地球所有, 有限資源vs無限貪婪
孔子: 人性本善. 己所不欲,勿施於人 孟子: 惻隱之心人皆有之. 尚書,大甲: 天作孽,犹可违 自作孽,不可活.
道家太上成應篇: 禍福無門. 惟人自召.善惡之報.如影隨形.
金剛經: 上一生行善,下一生富貴. 佛經: 無緣大慈, 同體大悲. 上天有好生之德
英國博士華爾緒: 要想避免人類流血,便須從餐桌上做起
南非前總統曼德拉: 貧窮並不是意外,像奴隸制和種族隔離政策,全都是人為的,所以也可以由人去廢除
印度聖雄甘地: 貧窮是最惡劣的暴力形式 愛因斯坦(德國物理學,哲學家,諾貝爾物理學獎) : 只有為服務眾生而生存的人,他們的生命才有價值
亞里斯多德(古希臘哲學家,柏拉圖的學生,亞歷山大大帝的老師) : 所有的地震和災害都是警告; 世界上有太多的腐敗
阿爾伯特·史懷哲(德國阿爾薩斯的通才,擁有神學、音樂、哲學及醫學四個博士學位,他的“尊重生命”哲學,獲得1952年度諾貝爾和平獎) : 人生的目的是為眾生服務,除了同情他們之外也要盡量幫助他們.
殺人放火金腰帶, 修橋補路無屍骸,朱門酒肉臭,路有凍死骨.
Mercy,Empathy,Humanity,Compassion(MEHC) Main Page
Moral Collapse=World Collapse(MC=WC),Finite Resources Vs Infinite Greed, All Lives' interest=good business, self interest=bad business
62個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富1:99貧富懸殊 62 world’s richest people own same wealth as half the world 1:99 rich:poverty
5個有錢人擁有全球1/2的財富,美國已賣給了有錢人[152] How America Is Being Sold Off, Richest 5 Men Own Half The World & More
Nelson Mandela(Former President of South Africa) : Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid. It is Man-Made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.
Mahatma Gandhi (preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India,Father of the Nation) : Poverty is the worst form of violence.
Albert Einstein (Nobel Prize in Physics ): Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile. Aristotle (ancient Greek philosopher and scientist) : All Earthquakes and Disasters are warnings; there’s too much corruption in the world
Buddha : 'All lives are equal, Respect All Lives'
Good Karma=Good People,Bad Karma=Bad People,GDP(Global/Debt/Depopulation,Pollution/Pm2.5)
Albert Schweitzer (Nobel Peace Prize) : The purpose of human life is to serve,and to show compassion and the will to help others.
Dr. Xu Waldorf UK : To avoid human bloodshed, we must start from the table.
Golden Rule :1) Confucius : do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Human goodness by nature.
2) Treat other people with the concern and kindness you would like them to show toward you.
All LIVES=BOSS, gov=servant, 1:99=Bad Karma,99:1=Good Karma, We do not own our Earth, We are owned by the Earth.
Buddha’s 10 good deeds :1.No killing(incl No eating meat,main cause of wars,doomsday)2,No stealing 3,No adultery 4,No lying 5,No slandering 6,No harsh speech 7,No idle talks 8,No greed 9,No hatred 10,No illusion.if everyone can practice 10go | |